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Hi guys,


I open this shop to help you train your pokemon(s).


Here are the services:

- Egg-moves : 16k each ( it costs 15k to learn it to your pokemon)


- EV training: 35k


- Leveling-up: at least 15k, up to a number we have to decide together, it depends on the starting level and on the base xp of the pokemon.

Please note that I won't level-up train happiny, chansey, blissey and klefki.


my ingame name is novoxy, you could contact me ingame or on the PRO discord at novoxy#0212 .


I could come to every PC in the game (from kanto to sinnoh), but I think the most accessible are either viridian or vermillion.


I may have forgotten to mention it but I only offer this service on the gold server.


Have a nice day and see you soon,



PS: You can write me in French or in German too

Edited by novoxy
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Do not hesitate to visit my service shop under: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/novoxys-training-service.95459/


IG: novoxy and Plnovoxy


Discord: novoxy#0212

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[spoiler=move tutor for manishbawa96 completed, 21k]




[spoiler= EVs training for a larvitar and a roserade, 322 useful EVs placed, 32k, completed]




Edited by novoxy

Do not hesitate to visit my service shop under: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/novoxys-training-service.95459/


IG: novoxy and Plnovoxy


Discord: novoxy#0212

[spoiler=Evs training for a malamar, 264 useful EVs placed, 26k, completed]




[spoiler=Varks carvanha level up from 27 to 95, completed, 50k]




Edited by novoxy

Do not hesitate to visit my service shop under: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/novoxys-training-service.95459/


IG: novoxy and Plnovoxy


Discord: novoxy#0212

Karcaroth command: EVs training for a vulpix, 455 EVs placed for 45k, completed

Do not hesitate to visit my service shop under: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/novoxys-training-service.95459/


IG: novoxy and Plnovoxy


Discord: novoxy#0212

Bcake047 command: EVs training for an eeven and a porygon, 1016 useful EVs placed for 100k, completed

Do not hesitate to visit my service shop under: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/novoxys-training-service.95459/


IG: novoxy and Plnovoxy


Discord: novoxy#0212

Catalyst0910 command: EVs and level-up training for an eevee, 510 useful EVs and from level 25 to 95 for 95k, completed

Do not hesitate to visit my service shop under: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/novoxys-training-service.95459/


IG: novoxy and Plnovoxy


Discord: novoxy#0212

pokemon9x command: 508 EVs placed on a dragonair and level up to level 95 for 100k, completed

Do not hesitate to visit my service shop under: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/novoxys-training-service.95459/


IG: novoxy and Plnovoxy


Discord: novoxy#0212

Bcake047 command for 400k: order completed


Timburr 252 hp, 252 attack Done

Beldum_1 252 attack, 252 spd Done

Beldum_2 252 attack, 252 spd Done

Yanma 252 Spatk, 252 spd Done

Krabby 252 att, 252 spd Done

Chansey 240 hp, 252 def, 16 spdef Done

Scraggy 252 spd, 136 def, 120 spd Done

Shellos 252 hp, 252 spdef Done


Pokemon9x command for 95k : completed

smeargle level-up and 252 def, 252 speed


Nutellabro command for 21k: Completed

happiny evs training, 128hp, 90 spdef

Edited by novoxy

Do not hesitate to visit my service shop under: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/novoxys-training-service.95459/


IG: novoxy and Plnovoxy


Discord: novoxy#0212

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