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ı don't go s.s Anne??? Why ??


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I can not enter s.s Anne's ship.It's written like that.Then please do not waste our time...We have enough vagrants trying to weasel their way on board.Our patience has been stretched thin with the attempts of unmeritted attendes


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I can not enter s.s Anne's ship.It's written like that.Then please do not waste our time...We have enough vagrants trying to weasel their way on board.Our patience has been stretched thin with the attempts of unmeritted attendes


where to buy tickets


Hello there! You will have to get the ticket from Bill's house at Route 25. This is North of Cerulean, past the nugget bridge, then right. Afterwards, Bill will ask you for help. You may find the research book under his pillow. If you encounter further issues with the Kanto story, you may have a look at the Kanto Walkthrough.


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