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Other Region Pokemon Party Locked [SOLVED]


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Hey, so I haven't played for a bit and when I decided to return I had to merge my account & I did. I then loaded in to find pokemon that were in my pc from another region locked in my current party. Can someone help please?

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Hey, so I haven't played for a bit and when I decided to return I had to merge my account & I did. I then loaded in to find pokemon that were in my pc from another region locked in my current party. Can someone help please?


Hi there, can you please tell me the pokemon in your party that you want moved?


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There's a level 5 eevee, level 43 Donphan & a level 27 Quagsire. thank you :RowletHeart:


Should All be in the last slots of you PC now, can you have a check for me?


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Yes, they've been moved to my pc, thank you very much


Glad to hear that your issue has been resolved. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. With that said, will now be locking this thread.


Good luck and have a nice day!


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