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Just love this game.

But sometimes is to hard it take the fun out of it.


Right now my brother and I is stuck on Hannah.

We have 5st 100 pokemon but can´t beat Mega - Metagross.

100 Blaziken. 100 golduck. 100 Snorlax. 97 Gengar and 99 Gyarados. and 32 Huntail. is that a good team?


Can anyone tell me what I can do.?

What Pokmeon Is good.

Can we borrow some strong Pokemon so we can move on.

Can Staff help us.

We play on Gold Server

(Hope You understand me. I´m not good at English.. ( I´m Swedish)

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Hey there @Willmann,


to be fair you should try to get at least 5 level 100 before you start fighting the boss.


The team consist out of Houndoom, Machamp, Talonflame, Mega Metagross, Volcarona, Mega Sharpedo; in this order (if nothing changed about it in the last 8 months)


If your Gyarados has some sort of decent EV's/IV's you should be able to take out the first 3 pokemon with ease. A good alternative is also a Snorlax with Amnesia/Curse/Crunch and Bodyslam, a bunch of hyper potions and you are basically unstoppable as long as nobody crits you. A thick fat Snorlax can easily setup on Houndoom.


You should also be aware of the fact that staffs won't help you in cases like this, they can give you tips on how to beat the boss but they won't lend you pokemon or items.

As for borrowing pokemon, if you ask nicely in the All chat; someone might help you.


Either way good luck, here are some example on how people beat Hannah



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