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  Kruzon said:
i'll buy, when and where can we meet? add me ingame, my ign same as my forum name


I am online atm, just comment again when you are

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

  Dysky said:


THey are no longer for sale, took them out

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

  • 2 weeks later...
  NinjaPlzza said:
How much for the magma set?

100 coins worth of items = 250k


so 125k

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

  • 5 weeks later...

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