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donde puedo obtener el objeto "diente marino" para tener a huntail y ir a sinho


Hello there! The 'Deep Sea Tooth can be held Clamperl, Sharpedo, and Carvanha in the areas listed below. It can also potentially redeemed from turning in the scanner upon completion of the Abandoned Ship Quest. Finally, you can attempt to get one from Love Island's Rock Smash spots, which respawn every 5 days. Take note you'll need 120 Kanto caught data and 38 evolved pokemon to enter Love Island.


[spoiler=Deep Sea Tooth Held Item Spawns]

#Pokemon  Map                       Area              Daytime  Rarity  MS  Level
Clamperl  Diamond Domain Main Cave  Fish (Good Rod)   M/D/N    Tier 8  No  22-26
Clamperl  Knot Island               Fish (Good Rod)   M/D/N    Tier 8  No  34-38
Sharpedo  Pacifidlog Town           Fish (Super Rod)  M/D/N    Tier 6  No  32-35




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