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So I just looked at some threads that asked about Chromebook support but the threads I saw were two or three years old. Is there any possible way to get PRO on my chromebook or am I going to have to play on mobile until the end of summer?


Hello there! Unfortunately, not all Android games run on Chrome OS, despite some of them now being added. We do not really have direct support for Chromebook, but here is something you can try. Not quite sure if this will allow you to play on your Chromebook, but please let me know if it does!


You can try to install both Wine and Crouton (Download Links below). To install the desktop version of Wine, you’ll need to enable developer mode and install Crouton to get a Linux desktop alongside your Chrome OS system. You can then install Wine on the Linux desktop and use it to install Windows programs (such as PRO's Windows client) just as you’d use Wine on a typical Linux desktop. Whenever you want to use a Windows program (Like PRO), you could just switch between your Chrome OS system and Linux desktop with a keyboard shortcut.





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