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Hi everyone,

this is my first post so sorry for my bad english :P

I open this thread to collect our experiences in this quest and try to solve it.

In the next messages I'm gonna write the NPC's requests and the clues they give me, the hole I choose to drill (and why I choose it) and if it leads me to the treasure cave.

I hope you will do the same and don't be afraid to expose your reasoning.


Edit: I write the probable soluction here so it's easier to read it.


Thank you Kaminokage,Prophet, Sph3r3 and hahahaka!


I think it works like this:

  • When an NPC ask for a battle he tells you if the Treasure Cave is in the Northern or Southern Section.
  • When an NPC ask for an item he tells you if the Treasure Cave is in the Western or Eastern Section.
  • Also it seems like each NPC gives you the real clue only with a particular Pokemon. I think the clue "The treasure room contains a lot of valuable items..." is useless.

Pokemons for the real clue:


Silvia: Bronzor

Denis: Bronzor


Sabrina: Bronzor

Joel: Diglett


Trevor: Sandshrew

Elena: Nosepass


Ivor: Cubone

Nancy: Nosepass


Probable meaning of the clues:

What would humanity be without inventions? --> The right hole is the one next the drill machine;

What would humanity be without humans? --> The right hole is the NPC with fixed message (Todd, Albert, the Bug Catcher);

It looks like the entry hazards are up and on the field.. Beware, fire types --> The right hole is the one next to Nosepass;

Climb up or climb down? it doesnt matter --> The right hole is the one next to the stairs.


I'm not very sure of this last part but I think it's correct.

We just have to do other tests :)


Rewards are one fossil, 1 to 3 PvE coins, sellable items (Tiny Mushroom, Pearl; Nugget). They seems to be randomly generated when you click on the trashcan.


N.B. There's not the 100% chance of getting all 3 clues because the NPC's requests are randomly generated and different for each one.



(Sorry for bad quality, it's my first video ever)

Edited by AngeloRif
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Stardust --> The treasure cave is in the western section

Stardust --> The treasure cave is in the western section


Stardust --> The treasure cave is in the western section

Leppa berry --> The treasure cave is in the western section


Tiny Mushroom --> The treasure cave is in the western section

Golbat --> There are a lot of items in the treasure cave


Stardust --> The treasure cave is in the western section

Leppa berry --> The treasure cave is in the western section


Section and hole choosed: I'm stupid, I choose South-East Section >.<

It was the treasure cave?: Obviously not! XD


Deductions: NPCs who ask for items give the same clues?

North-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 3

Explorer Silvia : Battle

"The treasure room is located in the southern section."

Explorer Denis: Ask for Tiny Mushroom


North-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 4

Explorer Sabrina : Ask for Sandshrew

"The treasure room contains a lot of valuable items..."

Explorer Joel : Battle

"The treasure room is located in the southern section."


South-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 2

Explorer Trevor : Ask for Diglett

"The treasure room contains a lot of valuable items..."

Explorer Elena : Ask for Kelpsy Berry

"The treasure room is located in the easter section."


South-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 1

Explorer Nancy : Ask for Cubone

"The treasure room contains a lot of valuable items..."

Explorer Ivor : Battle

"The treasure room is located in the southern section."


east-south; hole in top-left close to the entrance : treasure cave 1 dome fossil, 3 pve coins, 4 tiny mushroom




North-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 3

Explorer Silvia : Ask for Rhyhorn

Explorer Denis: Ask for Bronzor

"What would humanity be without its humans?"


North-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 4

Explorer Sabrina : Ask for Bronzor

"What would humanity be without its humans?"

Explorer Joel : Ask for Diglett

"What would humanity be without its humans?"


South-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 2

Explorer Trevor : Ask for Stardust

Explorer Elena : Ask for Kelpsy Berry

"The treasure room is located in the western section."


South-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 1

Explorer Nancy : Ask for Cubone

"The treasure room contains a lot of valuable items..."

Explorer Ivor : Battle

"The treasure room is located in the northern section."


west-north; hole in top close to todd : treasure cave 1 sail fossil, 3 pve coins, 1 nugget




North-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 3

Explorer Silvia : Ask for Tamato Berry

"The treasure room is located in the western section."

Explorer Denis: Ask for Qualot Berry

"The treasure room is located in the western section."


North-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 4

Explorer Sabrina : Ask for Tiny Mushroom

Explorer Joel : Ask for Golbat


South-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 2

Explorer Trevor : Battle

"The treasure room is located in the southern section."

Explorer Elena : Ask for Nosepass


South-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 1

Explorer Nancy : Ask for Cubone

"The treasure room contains a lot of valuable items..."

Explorer Ivor : Ask for Cubone

"What would humanity be without its inventions?"


west-south; hole in top-right close to the entrance : fail




North-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 3

Explorer Silvia : Ask for Roggenrola

"The treasure room contains a lot of valuable items..."

Explorer Denis: Ask for Tiny Mushroom


North-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 4

Explorer Sabrina : Ask for Rhyhorn

"The treasure room contains a lot of valuable items..."

Explorer Joel : Ask for Diglett

".. It looks like the entry hazards are up and on the field.. Beware, fire types."


South-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 2

Explorer Trevor : Ask for Stardust

Explorer Elena : Ask for Tiny Mushroom


South-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 1

Explorer Nancy : Ask for Sandshrew

"The treasure room contains a lot of valuable items..."

Explorer Ivor : Ask for Leppa Berry

"The treasure room is located in the western section."


west-north; hole in top close to todd : fail




North-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 3

Explorer Silvia : Ask for Tiny Mushroom

Explorer Denis: Ask for Bronzor

".. Climb up or climp down..? It doesn't matter, you won't have to got too far from there."


North-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 4

Explorer Sabrina : Ask for Sandshrew

"The treasure room contains a lot of valuable items..."

Explorer Joel : Ask for Golbat


South-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 2

Explorer Trevor : Ask for Stardust

Explorer Elena : Ask for Battle

"The treasure room is located in the southern section."


South-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 1

Explorer Nancy : Ask for Battle

"The treasure room is located in the southern section."

Explorer Ivor : Ask for Geodude

"The treasure room contains a lot of valuable items..."


east-south; hole in top-left close to entrance : fail




North-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 3

Explorer Silvia : Ask for Tiny Mushroom

Explorer Denis: Ask for Sandshrew


North-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 4

Explorer Sabrina : Ask for Bronzor

Explorer Joel : Ask for Leppa Berry


South-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 2

Explorer Trevor : Ask for Diglett

Explorer Elena : Ask for Tiny Mushroom

"The treasure room is located in the eastern section."


South-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 1

Explorer Nancy : Ask for Nosepass

Explorer Ivor : Ask for Battle

"The treasure room is located in the northern section."


east-north: hole in bottom-left close to entrance : treasure cave 1 jaw fossil, 2 pve coins, 3 tiny mushroom

Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion



Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver


My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9

1. Clue- Climb up climb down- Found Treasure NorthEast Near Ladder


Sabrina-Tinym-Eastern Section

Joel-Diglett-Climb up or climb down..? it doesnt matter you wont have to go too far from there










Treasure: Northeast:Roggenrola-Next to Ladder:(6TinyM/ArmorFossil-1PveCoins)


2. Clue: South East Humanity Without Humans-Hole Next to Elias-South East


Sabrina-Tinym-Eastern Section

Joel-Leppa-Eastern section


Nancy-Forretress/Ambipom-Southern Section







Denis-Bronzor-What would humanity be without its humans?


Treasure-SouthEast-Next to Elias-Humanity without Humans-3tinyM-RootF-3PvE


3. Clue: Climb up or Climb Down- Found NorthEast Near ladder/roggenrola









Trevor-Sandshrew-Climb up or climb down? it doesnt matter





Found Treasure Room-NorthEast-Next to lADDER-3TinyM-SailF-2PvE


4. Clue-Humanity Without its inventions-Treasure is located near DrillMachine Vehicle-SouthEast



Joel-Leppa-Eastern Section


Nancy-Tinym-Eastern Section



Elena-Nosepass-What Would Humanity be without its inventions





Treasure - SouthEast-Near Drill Vehicle(4pearl-2PveCoins-RootFossil)


5. Clue-Humanity without its inventions-Near DrillMachine Vehicle-North East


Sabrina-TinyM-Eastern Section

Joel-Battle_Norther Section


South East:


ivor-bronzor-Valuable items







Silvia-Bronzor-What Would Humanity be without its inventions?



Treasure Room: Located Near DrillMachine North east


6. Clue-it looks like the entry hazards are up and on the field Beware fire types-NorthWest-Near Nosepass


Sabrina - Rhyhorn - valuable

Joel - Geodude -valuable


South East

Nancy - Sandshrew-valuable items

ivor - Cubone -


South West

Elana - Bronzor-Valuable items

Trevor - Golbat - valuable


north west

Silvia -bronzor-Entry Hazards

Denis - Geodude-valuable


Treasure Room-Nosepass NOrthWest


7. Clue-Entry Hazards avoid fire types-Found treasure NorthWest Near nosepass

North East Room:

Sabrina - Sandshrew -

Joel - Geodude - valuable


South east room:

Nancy Sandshrew

Ivor - nosepass -valuable items


South west:

elena - bronzor - Valueble items

Trevor - diglett -


North west:

Silvia bronzor - Entry Hazards Avoid Fire types

Denis Battle - Northern Section


Treasure Near NosePass: Success


8. Clue Northern Section/Western Section- Found Treasure near Todd random guess

North east room:

Sabrina - sandshrew - valuable items

Joel: Stardust - western section


North West Room:

Silvia - Tomato berry - Western Section

Denis - Battle - Northern Section


South west Room:

Silvia - GOlbat -

Trevor - Golbat -


South East:

Nancy - TinyM - west section

Ivor - battle - North sec


Near Todd - Found Treasure Room


9. Clue - Entry Hazards / Western Section - Found Treasure NorthWest Near Nosepass

North East Room:

Sabrina - TinyM - Western Section

Joel - entry hazards are up and on the field beware fire types


Near Nosepass - Treasure Room



I tried to follow the guidelines of the first message



Silvia - Battle - Northern section

Denis - Cubone


Sabrina - Stardust - Western section

Joel - Geodude


Elena - Nosepass

Trevor - Sandshrew - "What would humanity be without its inventions?"


Nancy - Geodude

Ivor - Nosepass


Section and hole choosed: North-West section, hole near the drill machine

It was the treasure cave?: Yes, I found a Sail Fossil, 1 Pve Coin and 3 Tiny mushrooms.


Deductions: I chose only a clue for each type (one battle, one item and one "right" pokemon) and it worked. My bad, I could have checked if Geodude is Nancy's Pokemon.

Edited by AngeloRif




Silvia - Ryhorn

Denis - Battle - Northern section



Sabrina - Battle - Northern section

Joel - Diglett - "What would humanity be without humans?"



Elena - Tiny mushroom

Trevor - Stardust



Nancy - Sandshrew

Ivor - Tiny mushroom - Eastern section


Section and hole choosed: North-East section, hole near Albert

It was the treasure cave?: Yes, I found a Skull Fossil, 2 Pve Coin and 3 Tiny mushrooms.


Deductions: It really seems to work :)

Explorer Elena:

Kelpsy Berry - western section


Explorer Trevor:

Geodude (total 90 IV) - a lot of valuable items


Explorer Silvia:

Rhyhorn (total 91 IV) - a lot of valuable items


Explorer Denis:

Nosepass - (total 84 IV) - a lot of valuable items


Explorer Sabrina:

Grepa Berry - western section


Explorer Joel:

Diglett (total 119 IV) - What humanity would be without its humans ?


Explorer Nancy:

Grepa Berry - western section


Explorer Ivor:

Geodude (total 128 IV) - a lot of valuable items


The treasure room was near Miguel in South-Western section.

Right trash - 4 Tiny Mushrooms

Left trash - Skull Fossil, 2 PvE coins


My first guess about clues from showing pokemons was that it is required to show pokemon with certain total IV (at least 1/2 MAX Total IV or 100 Total IV) but Geodude with 128 IV has denied that. But i have showed him after relog, so that could affect the clue.

Also in my previous approach i had only that useless clue from every pokemon and every one of them had ID 0 (I showed them as soon as i caught them) so I think that this can also affect clues.

Thanks for your contribution Sph3r3!

I don't think pokemons must have certain IV. The only NPC who gives you a real clue after showing him a pokemon is Joel, with a Diglett, as written in the first message. So I'm pretty sure that every NPC gives the real clue only with a pokemon.

North-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 3

Explorer Silvia : Ask for Roggenrola

"The treasure room contains a lot of valuable items..."

Explorer Denis: Ask for Sandshrew


North-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 4

Explorer Sabrina : Ask for Grepa Berry

"The treasure room is located in the western section."

Explorer Joel : Ask for Battle

"The treasure room is located in the northern section."


South-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 2

Explorer Trevor : Ask for Stardust

Explorer Elena : Ask for Battle

"The treasure room is located in the northern section."


South-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 1

Explorer Nancy : Ask for Tiny Mushroom

Explorer Ivor : Ask for Bronzor


west-north; hole in top close to todd : fail





North-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 3

Explorer Silvia : Ask for Tiny Mushroom

Explorer Denis: Ask for Stardust


North-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 4

Explorer Sabrina : Ask for Bronzor

Explorer Joel : Ask for Stardust


South-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 2

Explorer Trevor : Ask for Rhyhorn

"The treasure room contains a lot of valuable items..."

Explorer Elena : Ask for Sandshrew

"The treasure room contains a lot of valuable items..."


South-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 1

Explorer Nancy : Ask for Sandshrew

"The treasure room contains a lot of valuable items..."

Explorer Ivor : Ask for Diglett

"The treasure room contains a lot of valuable items..."


west-north; hole in top close to todd : fail




North-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 3

Explorer Silvia : Ask for Tamato Berry

"The treasure room is located in the eastern section."

Explorer Denis: Ask for Qualot Berry

"The treasure room is located in the eastern section."


North-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 4

Explorer Sabrina : Ask for Grepa Berry

"The treasure room is located in the eastern section."

Explorer Joel : Ask for Geodude

"The treasure room contains a lot of valuable items..."


South-Western Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 2

Explorer Trevor : Ask for Stardust

Explorer Elena : Ask for Tiny Mushroom


South-Easter Room ; Underground Path Sinnoh Room 1

Explorer Nancy : Ask for Tiny Mushroom

Explorer Ivor : Ask for Tiny Mushroom


North-Easter; hole in bottom-right next to joel : fail

Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion



Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver


My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9

Explorer Elena:

Bronzor - valuable items


Explorer Trevor:

Stardust - western section


Explorer Silvia:

Bronzor - What would humanity be without its humans ?


Explorer Denis:

Sandshrew - valuable items


Explorer Sabrina:

Sandshrew - valuable items


Explorer Joel:

Sturdust - western section


Explorer Nancy:

Golbat - valuable items


Explorer Ivor:

Cubone - What would humanity be without its humans ?


Tried next to Todd in north-western section but filed.

Also i have noticed that Sabrina has asked for well-trained pokemon, is she always saying that ? Or is someone else saying that ?

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