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Hello forumers! Is this thing on?!


Right, first of all id like to wish the whole community lovely christmas and happy holidays! New year is right behind the corner and i hope you guys had a blast in 2015 :Smile: I found out about this amazing game kinda by accident. I was browsing 9gag on my phone before sleeping and saw a post where guy was wondering if there will ever be pokemon game/MMO where you can catch every single pokemon w/o trading(or something along those lines). On the comment section someone suggested PRO, i got curious and checked out the site next morning and ended up downloading it! :) No regrets.


My first pokemon game was Pokemon Blue on Gameboy colour and ever since i got it i have followed the tv show and bought new game's when they were released.


Personal life;

22 years young, not gonna say old because im not! I like to spend my spare time playing different games on both PC and console, listening to music, reading, and working out every now and then.I dont have any favourite music genres really..Everything goes except Death metal and country music haha

As my title already hints, i am from cold country called Finland...Who am i kidding? We still have +10 celcius here and i havent seen a single snowflake yet which is unusual this late of the year tbh.

AND NO, BEFORE YOU EVEN ASK IT. I DONT EAT POLAR BEARS FOR BREAKFAST! We dont even have those in Finland :Angry:


Thanks for reading! Wish you best of luck on your PRO goals whatever they might be. Mine is to build strong competitive teams of varying pokemon types. :Cool:

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