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PRO Username: malatato

Do you have active membership?: Yes

Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge


What have you done before the problem was there?

i've been leveling and catching happiny in the love island


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

don't know


Description and Message

Merry Christmas to me :(


Can I know why i'm banned for exploiting bug cause I don't remember doing such things,


In fact i've been a loyal and good Pro player since the start of my play,


please let me know what I have done wrong and if I still have a chance to play again.

Many got banned mate. They r checkin the hacked stuffs. Make a topic and appeal




Bag_Macho_Brace_Sprite.png[glow=red]EV Training Hot Spots[/glow]

244.png[glow=red]How to get Legendary Dogs[/glow]

Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


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