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I would like to register for the PvP tourney. My game name is Dolan2 and my time zone is (GMT-4). Here is the link to the imgur album with my player card and team:


Dolan2 PvP Team


Looking forward to it, thanks for hosting.

Edited by Dolan2


I would like to register for the PvP tourney. My game name is Dolan2 and my time zone is (GMT-4). Here is the link to the imgur album with my player card and team:


Dolan2 PvP Team


Looking forward to it, thanks for hosting.


Hi there. Thank you for registering. Here is the link to the PRO Tournament Discord, where announcements regarding the Tournament will be made. https://discord.gg/STUnW5B




Edited by Fluffles


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  • 2 weeks later...



I am in Gold Server Group F. I have yet to battle wAkKo16. I messaged him in our group chat last week about setting up a day for our BO3 and he agreed to do it then. When that day arrived, I waited until he got online on discord and messaged him again asking if he could battle. He ignored my message and has not made an attempt to contact me about battling yet. I am unsure I will be able to battle before the deadline as I am with family all of today. I am stepping away currently just to post this. WAkKo has waited until the last minute to do his battles, I have a screenshot as proof attached below. For more proof you can check our discord group. I have been actively checking discord so he has had opportunities to pm me during these 2 weeks. Sorry that this has occurred, I know it puts a burden on all of the developers that have been working so hard to organize this tournament. Thank you for your time, I will await your decision.





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