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How do i complete the spherical objects falling through the sky in eterna forest and wayward cave [SOLVED]

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i have the Lustrous Orb from wayward cave now wat do i do?
Hi GamerzSchool,


The Lustrous Orb is a necessary part in completing the Lake Guardians Quest in order to catch either an Azelf, Mesprit, or Uxie. If you're doing said quest, take a look at the aforementioned link, as you need to find the Adamant Orb and Dread Plate next.


Otherwise, it doesn't have another function currently. If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to ask!


Kind Regards, Astraea.


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Glad to hear that your issue has been resolved. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. With that said, will now be locking this thread.


Good luck and have a great day!


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