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Data Merge Help [SOLVED]


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So I haven't played in what it says since February 20th, 2017 for Blue and red was Feb, 3rd or something I think 2017 and they had a few hours apart, like 50 hours ish on either. However I don't remember if it was Red or Blue that had my more favorite pokemon and which one I spent money for getting membership, I think a mount and either clothes or I traded a member ship for money to get a reaper cloth and other stuff because I had one of my favorite pokemon being Dusknoir which took absolutely forever to find skull in that tower in one of the towns, and I know I beat the elite 4 and started the next region and then I think I stopped or something. I can't log in right now and thats fine but I'm wondering if there is a way to undo my mistake if blue isn't the save that I had spent money for stuff and had beaten the first region as I really don't want to restart over and leave behind stuff I paid for.

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So I haven't played in what it says since February 20th, 2017 for Blue and red was Feb, 3rd or something I think 2017 and they had a few hours apart, like 50 hours ish on either. However I don't remember if it was Red or Blue that had my more favorite pokemon and which one I spent money for getting membership, I think a mount and either clothes or I traded a member ship for money to get a reaper cloth and other stuff because I had one of my favorite pokemon being Dusknoir which took absolutely forever to find skull in that tower in one of the towns, and I know I beat the elite 4 and started the next region and then I think I stopped or something. I can't log in right now and thats fine but I'm wondering if there is a way to undo my mistake if blue isn't the save that I had spent money for stuff and had beaten the first region as I really don't want to restart over and leave behind stuff I paid for.

Hi there. Upon checking your files, it seems as if the Blue server was where you had more progress on, despite having more hours on Red. When you log onto the Silver server, you should still have access to all your past items, pokemon and cosmetics that you had on your past Red and Blue accounts.


Let me know if you need further help.


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So are they merged together, because when I read the merge it seemed like I had to pick one because I thought one of the requirements to have red and blue merged was I needed 200 hours and I had only I think a little over a 100? Just wasn't sure since I picked blue, my red data is gone but I had no idea how to check what I had or not, my Pokemon or the stuff I paid money to get, because I'm pretty sure I have a mount, and I know I bought membership a couple times too.

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So are they merged together, because when I read the merge it seemed like I had to pick one because I thought one of the requirements to have red and blue merged was I needed 200 hours and I had only I think a little over a 100?

They're merged together, yes. The 200 hours is a second option. In your case, you had to pick a main server as you don't meet the second option requirements. You chose the correct main server.


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Thank you so much :) I think I understand now still a little confused though, but I'm just waiting to get in and see what I have whenever the servers are free/working again.

Glad to hear that your issue has been resolved. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. With that said, will now be locking this thread.


Good luck and have a great day!


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