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How to know a Pokemon's move set without catching or seeing them?...is there any way without asking a person who has caught or seeing that pokemon every time?....like the way we can see any Pokemon's appearing area in discord with the command....

#I just don't want to ended up doing same mistake like i did with evolving pikachu into raichu..

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How to know a Pokemon's move set without catching or seeing them?...is there any way without asking a person who has caught or seeing that pokemon every time?....like the way we can see any Pokemon's appearing area in discord with the command....

#I just don't want to ended up doing same mistake like i did with evolving pikachu into raichu..

Hi there. Usually if you don't have the data on Pokemon, you can check an external website like Bulbapedia for movesets. However, not all our pokemon's moves are updated to Generation 7, so don't expect it to be completely accurate. Nevertheless, they can give you a good idea on the moves your pokemon can or cannot learn.

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Ok thanks... I like pokemondb.net more tho

Alright, no problem. Let me know if you need further help.

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