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Everything posted by Oblivionwingnsk

  1. @Killik Alright sure, just notify me when you're free to come online (in-game) then we can proceed with the transaction.
  2. @Pvpking1 Alright sure, just let me know where/when you want, we'll proceed with the transaction. I can come online when you're free.
  3. Bump: Update (13th July 2023) Reassessed and recalibrated the pricing for some Pokemon. Added Joltik, Larvesta and Pancham.
  4. @Barze97 Alright sure, I'm online rn so just let me know where/when you want, we'll proceed with the transaction.
  5. @Charmender3 Alright sure, I'm online rn so just let me know where/when you want, we'll proceed with the transaction.
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