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Everything posted by Oblivionwingnsk

  1. I am in game so let's proceed with the trade
  2. IGN: OblivionWingNSK (another entry) Event form: Halloween Time investment: 4 hours Possibly interest to join staff either as Pixel Artist or Coin Shop icon creator: No Comment: I based this Hoopa's design on Harley Guinn and Piedmon. For Hoopa Unbound, I based it on Pennywise, Piedmon. Colourwise, for Hoopa, a combination of Red, Gold, White and Black; for Hoopa Unbound, can refer to the colour schemes of Pennywise and Piedmon or anything that fits is fine as well. Graphic:
  3. IGN: OblivionWingNSK Event form: Summer Time investment: 1 hour 30 mins Possibly interest to join staff either as Pixel Artist or Coin Shop icon creator: No Comment: I based this design on Rengoku from Demon Slayer, Tamaki from Fire Force and Nike, The Goddess of Victory. Colour choice/scheme can be based on Rengoku himself or if anything that will fit this Summer Victini Graphic:
  4. @Epithet Hello, sorry for the late reply, I just tested fighting Asuya and the issue on my side has been resolved. I can finally progress through the Shaymin Quest now. Thx
  5. IGN: OblivionWingNSK I'll do my best to explain this issue, hopefully this gets fixed as soon as possible because I want to complete the Shaymin Quest. I had 5 pokemons in my party and tried to battle Kimono Girl Asuya at Suzuka Towers. I entered the first match with Medicham and she led with Gengar as shown the first image. Her Gengar Thunderbolts my Medicham, instantly KOs it and for some reason my whole party was wiped and I was left with a Ducklett. The battle feat shown in the second image apparently says my "Ducklett" was KO'd by the Thunderbolt from Gengar, not Medicham. Following the third image, it was going into round 2, then for some unknown reason, all I had left was Rotom. It was a Ducklett moments ago but it changed into Rotom for some reason as shown in the fourth image. The reason why its specifically Ducklett and Rotom for me is because I swapped my party members around with a bunch of Rotoms and that Ducklett was freshly caught around 30 minutes prior fighting Asuya. However, I have no clue as to why this glitch/bug happened, I think its just the NPC/Scripting issues so that's why I chose to post it here. After that, I logged out mid battle, logged back in, saw my party members were in the last slots of the PC. I am genuinely afraid of doing this quest in fear of loosing my good pvp Pokemons. Hopefully this can be resolved soon. Thx
  6. Mega Manetric Requirements: You can only bring one Pokemon - needs to be as lightweight as possible Examples: Rotom, Rotom Forms, Gastly, Lake Guardians, Joltik, Flabébé (non specific as to whether not there's a set limit to the lightweights, needs further testing) Have a surf mount Objective: You have to RACE with Farmer Chuck's Manetric around the garden and TOUCH the STATUE on the other side (the one directly behind Farmer Chuck) and COME BACK to Farmer Chuck Starting point > go right > beat the first trainer (think he'll remove the trees) > go up > beat the trainers > surf across the pond > touch the statue > go back to Farmer Chuck If you reach Farmer Chuck before Manetric reaches its start point, you win All under 150 secs (not sure about this info as stated in the open community guide by Bhimoso since the main objective is to reach Farmer Chuck before his Manetric) Obstacles: There will be trainers with random pokemon in their party (lvl 100), trees, a small pond blocking your path I think we need to come up with a moveset for the pokemon you have decided to race with (needs to be further explored) Since the trainers have different pokemon each time (lvl100), it will be difficult to have consistent results (depends on the moveset) So far these are the pokemons I know the first trainer has (only 1 in his party) Heracross, Shedninja, Ninjask, Steelix Judging from the information compiled, it seems that Rotom Heat is the best candidate to participate with mainly because of its duo typing that can provide wide coverage options 1. Need to test whether or not Farmer Chuck allows Rotom Heat to participate 2. Decide on its held item, scarf, specs etc
  7. From my Tyranitarite experince, I only had to fight 3 mons, Muk, Onix Gigalith I had an Adamant Choice Banded Tyranitar with Earthquake and it was very straightforward, collected the stone
  8. Ye as mentioned by Grabarz23, medicham needs to be lvl 100. I added in ev traning for safety measures, just in case something goes wrong due to uncertainties. However, since Grabarz23 has completed his end of the quest then you should be fine without any specilized ev training.
  9. for medicham 1. go to mt pyre exterior top left corner of the map 2. speak with Brawly standing with his medicham 3. speak to John who will then scam you for buying a fake medichamite 4. follow them to mt pyre summit 5. Brawly will compensate for your lost by giving you a medichamite. However, his medicham will intervene, requesting a battle so you can earn it's trust 6. ev train, get a good nature a fresh medicham and battle him to obtain the stone Adding more details to whole story side of things
  10. The issue has been resolved. I'm able to travel back to Vermillion now. Thx
  11. Username: OblivionWingNSK Server: Silver Maybe I'm not the only one that'll have this issue but just to make it as a report just in case plus I do hope to be able to go back to Vermillion to do my boss run later on in a few days. Thx
  12. Username: OblivionWingNSK Server: Silver Bug: Duplicated Greninja Clothing, cannot access the diving entry spot to continue the underwater dungeon quest at Burring Strai t
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