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Everything posted by Gloomyfire

  1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Gloomyfire Number of hours played? 905h+ What's your favorite Pokemon? Articuno What country are you from? Brazil How old are you? 22 Which server do you play on? Silver
  2. here https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/
  3. i think my pokedex seen number it is bugged. There are 721 pokemons among 1ª and 6ª gen and i have 718 dex among these 721 pokemons (I don't have: Tornadus 641, Zygarde 718 and Volcanion 721) I have 3 alolas pokemons (sandshrew, vulpix and marowak) so, 718+3 = 721 seen pokemons, this is the number of seen pokemon i have and my pokedex should show to me (721) but my pokedex shows i have 720 seen only. What is the reason of it?
  4. what is the hidden power?
  5. i am in fight area, i was almost starting, i pay extra 10k to you come here, then 190k total
  6. Can you tell me what are all the possible rewards of beating battle tower? i didn't find it in any place, i already saw in your link, but it also doesn't show all the rewards
  7. what are the rewards of beating the battle tower? i know i get cubchoo hat and 25 pve coins after you defeat them all once what are the rewards of beating twice, three times..etc? or is it always the same reward? is it true we can get the kyogre mount? what is the chance of getting kyogre mount then?
  8. i was the one who bought the pokemon, you took too long to answer me
  9. what is the hidden power?
  10. If someone offer more than you, you don't need to cancel your offer. But if you are last person to bid, you could cancel your offer, the next player could bid the same mount as you did before. But it would be only for cases the seller wants the right to cancel, give the right the cancel to the buyer too.
  11. Surprise, Happy birthday to you..
  12. I think it is by level up or daycare.
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