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Everything posted by Linkiii

  1. This aipom is already sold? And which it's region
  2. how much u want?
  3. have the wing yet?
  4. How much for the scyther?
  5. Hp fire
  6. Account nickname : Lenkesenpai I've merged my secondary account , but i've selected the wrong server ( red instead blue) and this happened [spoiler=Image] But has no eevee here [spoiler=Image2] i have 55c here , i don't wanna lost ; - ; [spoiler=coins]
  7. Sold to mcferry
  8. 975k (cc = 300km, bms= 125k , jetsky= 300k)
  9. 700k by Mauribro
  10. START BID : 700k MIN. Raise : 100k Insta: 2,5m (or trade in a good pink togepi , send print at comments) Accept : CC = 300k 30d MS = 300k 15d MS = 150k BIDS END AT : Thursday at 21:00 (UTC -3:00) // Friday at 00:00 (GMT +0) Best Offer at moment: 975k by Mcferry (1cc , 1 jetsky , 1bms + 250k) Only offers in comments pls
  11. Username : Linkiii Server: Silver Togepi: What Pokemon do you think needs an Easter form? R: Buneary , Munchlax or aipom ( Egg Painter e.e)
  12. lokabreu deerling atk hp spd vullaby hp def Frilish hp def
  13. mainrengarworld basculin spd , atk vullaby hp def rhyhorn atk hp
  14. Manage money in website , and the auction house (Auction house, when u offer the money will go to a "data bank" in site , if another people give a better bid u get the money back)
  15. x1tus togetic 252 spd , 252 spatk 1 full ev
  16. ▲ Welcome to Link's ev shop ▲ ▲ in-game : Linkiii ▲ ▲ discord : Linky#4994 ▲ ▲ or make your post here / DM msg ▲ ▲ READ THE RULES PLEASE ▲ Heart System [spoiler=Rules] [spoiler=Rules] [spoiler=Rules] [spoiler=Rules] [spoiler=Rules] [spoiler=Rules] Rules ▲ I service pokemons from Kanto , Johto , Hoenn only ▲ I can change the pokemon moveset to easy train , if you want keep any move, let me know ▲ I can refuse train your poke if I want ▲ I will keep your pokemons if you don't pay for them in 2 weeks after I finish ▲ Unless we make an agreement beforehand , I will only accept money [spoiler=Prices] [spoiler=Prices] [spoiler=Prices] [spoiler=Prices] [spoiler=Prices] [spoiler=Prices] [spoiler=Prices] [spoiler=Prices] [spoiler=Prices] [spoiler=Prices] Prices 1 EV full (252) = 30.000$ 2 EV full (2x252) = 50.000$ +3k for each 10 evs remove (Berries) Multipliers Tank pokemons = x1,5 / x2,0 (depends the pokemon) No offensive moves pokemon = x3,00 Pokemon below level 40 = x1,25 Discounts Check the heart system 4 pkms = 10% 6 pkms = 15% 8 pkms = 20% 10 pkms = 20% + 1 full ev free (heart system)
  17. All times i go from one map to other I get stucked , and only if I log off I can walk again I've see some people who have the same problem Sorry for the bad english
  18. How much psychic clothes?
  19. WTB Psychic clothes Msg inbox price or ingame
  20. Re: ► Boss Guide - updated 29/11/17 - Pewdie and Diepy Added! - All bosses/rewards/requirements ◄ <t>Nice guide</t>
  21. Linkiii

    Enter Sinnoh

  22. Use escape rope or call the staff to help you
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