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Everything posted by Rayvn

  1. I wanna buy a cute piplup.
  2. Your topic has been moved to the appropriate sub-forum.
  3. Moved to the correct Forum section
  4. Your topic has been moved to the appropriate sub-forum.
  5. Your topic has been moved to the correct sub-forum.
  6. Your post has been moved to the correct Trade forum.
  7. This has been moved to the correct sub-forum of Personal Shops.
  8. Your topic has been moved to the appropriate sub-forum. =)
  9. Re: WTS Competitive Sniper Shiny Seadra <t>These topics have been merged. You are only allowed one active topic per sub-forum. Thank you =)</t>
  10. This topic has been moved to the appropriate sub-forum. Happy selling. =)
  11. Incorrect forum. Locking. Deleting.
  12. This has been moved to the appropriate sub-forum
  13. Moved to the Want to buy sub-forum. Also, you can only trade once you have four badges Kanto badges. I hope you get your Zigzagoon soon c:
  14. Have respect for the seller and comment if you'd like to buy it. Otherwise, please refrain from commenting on the price. Thank you.
  15. Your topic has been moved to the appropriate sub-forum c:
  16. Your topic has been moved to the appropriate sub-forum C:
  17. Your topic has been moved to the appropriate sub-forum.
  18. Your topic has been moved to the appropriate sub-forum.
  19. This topic has been moved to the appropriate sub-forum.
  20. This topic has been moved to the appropriate sub-forum.
  21. This topic has been moved to the appropriate sub-forum.
  22. This topic has been moved to the appropriate sub-forum.
  23. Moved to the appropriate sub-forum.
  24. Moved to the appropriate forum.
  25. Moved to the correct Sub-forum.
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