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Everything posted by Sayedkhairill

  1. Closed no one bid!
  2. 200k spinda can ?
  3. I see. So, phani is a winner. Sorry.
  4. Any trade moderator can force trade please.
  5. U won the auction. Let me know when u r ready to trade find me via game or discord Sayedkhairill#8834
  6. 10min left till end of auction!
  7. 4 hrs 23min left the auction!
  8. Start: 1k Min raise: 1k No insta! 24hrs after first bid.. https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/gaming?iso=20221121T1923&p0=122&msg=Valentine+Snivy&font=cursive&csz=1
  9. Closed
  10. @Zoruami hello. Can help me force trade. This guy didnt trade till now. The auction have been end more than 2 day.
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