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Everything posted by Sayedkhairill

  1. Closed. No one bid after 12hrs! @Polteageist can help me lock this topic.
  2. S.O: 200k Min Raise: 100k Insta: 2.5m 12 Hours Auction
  3. U already won. Can pm me ingame now or my discord Sayedkhairill#8834 when u able to trade. Thank you.
  4. S.O: 400k Instant: 3m Min Bid: 150k 1 Day After First Bid! Payment Method Pokedollar Reroll Ticket = 700k Nature Reroll = 350k Coin Capsule = 400k
  5. I would to say xmas event was very nice and fun. Untill dungeon release a bit tired to do for light stone & lucarionite quest. But, at the im enjoy this event. Just a bit sad i dont get any of xmas i want with repel even i just do everyday when im done for dungeon and just keep repel xmas mon till end of xmas event. Just make the xmas mon reduce some chance rate to spawn. My account pretty sad on wasting repel at xmas mon till xmas end.
  6. Sorry for some trouble. But this prove for i selling golem alolan n ribombee to @Mourad Thank!
  7. Sold Chandelure To @SiegDragun Thanks!
  8. Sure pm me in game now or in discord when u ready to trade. I have mention mine discord yet
  9. Sorry late reply im working then online go fishing. Didnt check forum. Pm my discord. I put yet
  10. Hello Everyone! Welcome to my shop. Let's see if there's anything u guys interest in. I would like to see u guys offering my poke and we can discuss about u and mine price for fair trade. Have fun! PAYMENT METHOD! 50k-300k 400k-1m Reminder!!! The Holding Item Is Not Included. U Can Also Buy The Holding Item From Me If You Needed! Enjoy Shopping From My Shop And Have A Nice Day Guys. Noted: If u guys cant contact me here. Pm my discord Sayedkhairill#8834
  11. Sold Ty. Can be close!
  12. @Polteageist hello sorry for tag. Can help me force trade this auction ? It took 6hrs and still no answer.
  13. Auction have been end. U won it. Can let me know when u r ready to trade in discord Sayedkhairill#8834 or in game.
  14. 1 Hours Left Time For Auction !
  15. 7 Hours Left Time For Auction.
  16. 24hrs and 25min left auction time!
  17. 1 day 20hrs left
  18. Hello Hello. Welcome To My Shop. Let Shopping Here. I Just Want To Say, My Shop Is Cheap, Can Be Negotiable & Will Do Fair Price For You And Me. PAYMENT METHOD! Poke For Selling! Item Will Not Be Include. But, Can Also Be Sell If Needed. Will Be Add More Soon! Thank You!
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