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Everything posted by Bbqpenguin

  1. 1Give us a short introduction for us to get to know you. I'm a gamer/streamer from the UK & i enjoy a variety of different games. I'm also former pro FIFA player. Currently im playing ARK again on a private server. 2 How many hours have you played? I joined around xmas time so i've been playing a few months but my account was wiped. I currently have 109 hours since server merge. 3 Regions completed? Kanto & currently on Johto e4. 4 What is your personal goal ingame? Just to enjoy the game, complete every zone then take it from there. 5 Why do you think Inferno is the place for you? Because it seems like a friendly and active guild. I'd like somewhere to chill & help people. 6 Will you be willing to help trainers? definitely :)
  2. Im looking for a friendly active guild. Ive been playing since around christmas time and im online most days. Currently at Johto E4. over 100+ hours game time since the server merge. name in game is BBQPenguin
  3. So for the second time in a few weeks my account has been wiped. Awesome. Can't even log it into the silver server. My account logs in on the gold server but it's a fresh account. An this is after merging too.. Snore.
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