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Everything posted by Dubbledii

  1. 2 and 3 ended 100K Mandaloriany for the 3 // 50K Pitroipa for 2 ( Seems you're currently offline) I private messaged you both on forum notice me when you'll be online.
  2. noted
  3. Make an auction, players will bid for it to what it seems a good price to them.
  4. bump
  5. Noted
  6. bump
  7. 6 100K
  8. Noted
  9. Noted
  10. Closed
  11. a
  12. I'm off give it to him
  13. Not gonna lie, imma call it scam if someone out bide me rn
  14. Pretty sure it's 10 min tho :x
  15. 1M7
  16. 1m6
  17. 1m5
  18. Hello i have tried to help my friend earlier by sending him a poke but either him or I noticed the "warning message" about the trade lock so it is now locked in his computer. since he don't play so often i won't be able to get it back so soon and I want to let him enjoy a peacefull Jhoto region instead of him rushing. I don't have a screen of the trade since we didn't expected it to happen but I have a conversation of him agreeing the trade back if you can do it. Thank you for the help and sorry for the mistake PS : Sorry for my bad english it's not my native language. Nickname : Dubbledii Server : Gold Hello, I have reversed this trade for you. The Feraligatr is in the last spot of your PC. Best Regards, MBK
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