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Everything posted by Warman

  1. Username: Canttrapthis Server: Silver Countey/Timezone: Philippines/GMT+8
  2. Player name: Warman howdown name: Jabolzkie Server: Silver Timezone: GMT+8 Rank on ladder: 13
  3. Sell me pp ups again.
  4. I am online now, ign is warman.
  5. Buy 150 pp ups.
  6. Canttrapthis Silver GMT+8 I accidentally evo my rattata. Pls help me to de-evo this.
  7. Transaction done.
  8. thank you.
  9. any trade mods that can assist and help this auction pls?
  10. 1 hour left.
  11. Noted, thanks
  12. Noted, thanks
  13. Noted, thanks
  14. IGN - warman Start = 1.5m Min. Raise = 250k NO INSTA Auction ends: 72 hours after the first bid/ 04/25/2021 8:41AM GMT+8 Accepts: CC = 400k Iv reroll = 700k
  15. Canttrapthis(IGN) Start = 400k Min. Raise = 100k Insta = 1.5m Auction = 2 days after first bid Accepts: CC = 400k IV rr = 700k
  16. Canttrapthis(IGN) Start prize = 400k. Min. raise = 100k. Insta = 2m Ends in 2 days after the first bid. Accepts: CC= 400k Nat reroll= 350k Ivs Reroll= 700k
  17. Wts. 3m
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