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Everything posted by Fliflo

  1. Re: My maps ^^ <r><QUOTE author="Drialmeida"><s> </e></QUOTE> That would be soooo coool^^</r>
  2. Re: My maps ^^ <r><QUOTE author="Drialmeida"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks ^^<br/> However I believe the staf will never take my maps ,not that they couldn't, I wouldn't mind ^^<br/> But more that my maps are not good enough :/ I still need to improve <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  3. Re: My maps ^^ <r><QUOTE author="ArcaNEIN"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="taanhdung95"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="Bartjanus"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks ^^<br/> added a new map</r>
  4. Re: Shiny chansey BO <r><QUOTE author="Knuckles"><s> </e></QUOTE> Bo hasn't started yet :/</r>
  5. So I encountered This nice shiny chansey ^^ BO will start soon ^^
  6. Huge welcome to you ^^ enjoy your stay on pro^^
  7. A Huge and [glow=orange]warm[/glow] welcome to you :Angel:
  8. Re: My maps ^^ <t>Added a new map ^^</t>
  9. Re: 【Splash】Le culte de la trempette ✔ [ FR ] RED SERVER <r>Coucou je serai super intéréssé de faire partie de votre guilde ^^<br/> J'ai 17ans et 185h de jeu^^ (je pense donc connaître un minimum)<br/> Votre guilde à l'air fun et pleine de gents sympas <E>:Angel:</E> <br/> Voilà <E>:Smile:</E> <br/> Merci d'avance ^^</r>
  10. x) thanks for the reply I was wondering too :Smile: Now i fell like a fool :Frown:
  11. Re: Picture....Hint hoen?(Maybe^^) <r><QUOTE author="Sesshomaru"><s> </e></QUOTE> No idea.. Maybe with the money or the items?<br/> Because it seams odd that they would post such a random picture ...<br/> So we can assume it's liked with smething <br/> That beeing said it may not be hoenn ...</r>
  12. https://prntscr.com/aogvv1 What do you think? it just was linked in the pro red server
  13. all of them yes ^^ (exept mew i think )
  14. Sadly they do no refund :Cry:
  15. Yes I think so :Cry:
  16. I belive there's no point in complaining The devs are doing their best at all times :Heart: And they are doing it on their free time too so It isn't nice an fair to complain. Just be gratefull for what you have :Shy:
  17. "timeout" doesn't mean offline... i belive it's a sort of cap .. But yes, some people are connected
  18. Actualy, the status of the red server is curently " timeout" wich means that you can't connect. Use this page to know more https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/ edit : somehow the link doesn't work .. simply type pokémon révolution statuscheker on google Edit 2 : also the blue server is curently offline :/
  19. Fliflo


    I belive you just went into "ghost" queue Meaning the server was full and the queue wasn't displaying If it occurs you can either do nothing about it and you will eventualy get in the game or you can restart the game and the queue should display for that I guess it's just bad luck :x
  20. Hey [glow=green]welcome[/glow] to pro
  21. If you are still in the SS ane I belive there is one in the kitchen's bin ^^
  22. Re: My maps ^^ <r><QUOTE author="Sesshomaru"><s> </e></QUOTE> <E>:thanks:</E> a lot ^^</r>
  23. Re: My maps ^^ <r><QUOTE author="Marcylene"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks <E>:kiss:</E></r>
  24. Re: My maps ^^ <r>Added a suprise after the seventh map <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  25. Wow... just wow.. Great art great job Great evrything :Smile: :Heart-eyes:
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