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Everything posted by Fliflo

  1. Oh my god.. a Swiss ^^ Welcome to pro ^^ :Heart:
  2. Re: 【Splash】Le culte de la trempette ✔ [ FR ] RED SERVER <r><GLOW glow="green"><s>[glow=green]</s>Bump *-*<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>
  3. Hey !! welcome ^^ Enjoy your stay :Shy:
  4. Welcome to the family ^^
  5. What can I say..... PRO will miss you... But we will never forget you :Frown: Hope your health issues will get better Fliflo, a random player, sad.... so sad :Nervous:
  6. Re: My maps ^^ <r><QUOTE author="jollyolly"><s> </e></QUOTE> No I don't <E>:Shy:</E> <QUOTE author="jollyolly"><s> </e></QUOTE> Am doing theses maps for fun mostly....So i don't realy know....<br/> I suppose it could be cool If pepole could just walk around my maps....So yes I wold love to have something like that^^<br/> Do you know where I can find it?<br/> <br/> <QUOTE author="Gawerty"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks <E>:Heart-eyes:</E></r>
  7. Re: 【Splash】Le culte de la trempette ✔ [ FR ] RED SERVER <r>Bump ^^<br/> Fliflo, membre de splash <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  8. Re: My maps ^^ <r><QUOTE author="Solo24"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="daenerys"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks <E>:Angel:</E> I realy apreciate the support ^^</r>
  9. Hi ^^ welcome to pro ^^ Enjoy your stay :Shy:
  10. Hey there , Welcome to PRO's forums You will love it here :y:
  11. Huge and [glow=orange]Warm[/glow] welcome :Angel: Enjoy your stay (no matter how long it may be ^^ )
  12. Re: My maps ^^ <r>The mistakes are fixed ^^<QUOTE author="sonfrex"><s> </e></QUOTE> <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  13. I'm not shure if i'ts normal but this tile can't be crossed :Ambivalent:
  14. Same :confused:
  15. I guess the evolution is just not coded yet... you'll have to wait :Cry:
  16. Huge and [glow=orange]warm[/glow] welcome ^^
  17. Re: My maps ^^ [3 New Maps ] <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/GgUnxs6.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> You are totaly right <E>:Nervous:</E> <br/> ... my bad<br/> I will correct that later <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  18. Re: My maps ^^ [3 New Maps ] <r><QUOTE author="Zupercooer"><s> </e></QUOTE> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/rP7MRvB.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> This one?<br/> If so this is not a mistake ... it's just that the satrairs are below the rock</r>
  19. Re: My maps ^^ [3 New Maps ] <r>Bump <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  20. Putting the tiles like that just doesn't work ( Or i'm a complete idiot .. in this case sorry )... you should do a straight line all the way and not interupt it
  21. Re: My maps ^^ [3 New Maps ] <r>Bump 4.0<br/> I'm back... and i added 3 new maps .. <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  22. Ampharos :Heart-eyes: .... Why? Because 1- he is part of the jotho story 2- his mega is just sooooo cool (so flufy :Heart: ) 3- he is not bad in pvp (doesn't mean he is good thaught) 4- I love mareep (so flufy :Heart-eyes: ) 5- in my opinion jotho pokemons are the best 6- he is number 181 in the pokedex and 181 is just a cool number 7- he can power a Lighthouse 8- electric type .... (Yes that's totaly a valid argument ) That´s all (for now...)
  23. 17.... Yeah.. Still a baby :Frown:
  24. I don't think so :Nervous: , the game still being in beta , theses crashes are happening a lot and the staff can't replace pokemons Sorry for your loss
  25. Welcome to the community^^ Enjoy your stay :Shy:
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