Re: What shinies u have??
<r><IMG src=""><s></e></IMG> <br/>
This is the ony one I have left ^^ I sold a chansey and gave away a slowbro, a kingler, and a golem</r>
Actually , this mount is ingame , it was added in recently
However, it cannot be obtained yet :Frown:
Re: My maps ^^ [New Map n°24]
<r><QUOTE author="Rimitto"><s> </e></QUOTE>
To get the picture you have to export the file as an image <br/>
And thanks <E>:Angel:</E></r>
Re: My maps ^^ [New Map n°23]
<r><QUOTE author="ThatKid"><s> </e></QUOTE>
I have done some new maps but I can't post them at the moment <E>:Frown:</E>
<QUOTE author="NitsugaStyle"><s> </e></QUOTE>
Thanks , that's very kind <E>:Heart:</E></r>
Don't worry it's ok :Smile:
Well if the encounters are processed the same way the headbutt trees are , then it's shiney locked
if not... Well I don't know :Nervous:
That's not what he asked for :confused:
He asked if it was possible to find shiney in excavation sites
As far as I'm concerned no one I know as found a shiney there .... But I don't know for sure :Smile: