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About Emmacross

  • Birthday 01/21/1991

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  1. PRO Username: Emmacross Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? When it started, players were getting frozen alot in game. Logged out to fix it. When I tried to log back in, it said I already was logged in. I figured it was a crash, and waited over an hour. Tried again, same thing. Checked the live chat to ensure the game itself was not down. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Relog, comp resrart, checkedfor game shutdown... Description and Message Cannot log in, game says I already am logged in.
  2. Re: Miles' Spawn Guide (updated) <t>is it still morning, or day now?</t>
  3. Re: Miles' Spawn Guide (updated) <t>Umm, quick question. It still says here that axew can be caught in the morning in dd. I heard an update moved it to the b1, but haven't been able to confirm this myself....</t>
  4. Emmacross


    I'm capable of the valley now doc, so now my challenge is to catch it, and other rares like it. But as I'm doing that, the Legion is already growing...
  5. Emmacross


    Thx Doc. Good luck with that sylveon you're hunting. Take too long, and I'll end up getting there before you catch one...
  6. Emmacross


    Legion (Dark Guild) Are you bored, unsure of what you should be doing? Do you favor Pokemon that prioritize their functionality in battle, rather than how "cute" or "rare" they are? Do you enjoy the feeling of standing victorious, with Pokemon you caught and raised yourself? Does it seem like others around you seem to follow you, like you know something they don't in the same area? Do you enjoy the company of others like this? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then the Legion might be for you!!! As far as requirements, I believe many things are negotiable. But effort, adaptability, and the proper mindset, these things I call requirements. Some of these can be learned, others can only be given. As such, the first requirements are simple ones: 1: Prove your skill and worth. Seems like a simple enough challenge for anyone that's actually good at Pokemon, or good with computers, or generally anything really. Worth is defined by overall usefulness to the guild, not just by which Pokemon you have on your team... 2: Prove your loyalty. For as long as I can, once membership grows, I plan to have guild events. Little fun things, for the Legion to take over the farming in a specific area, and show off our strength as a unit. Participation will not be mandatory,as we all have different schedules. But Loyalty to one's team means involvement with them... 3: Enhance the Power: As guild leader, I have decided to cut rates on anything sold to guild members. My other members are not required to do this, but <Wynaut>? After all, if you aren't using it, why not help another inside the Legion grow stronger. Someday, I want to see this guild name scratching at the door ofthose well-established guilds, with their slews of rare Pokemon. To do this, I dont need just one strong player. For a Legion is many... For more details, PM Emmacross in game. Happy hunting, I'll see you where the things I want spawn!!!
  7. Re: Available TMs + Tutor Guide (Added Endeavor) <t>Is the tm available for explosion yet?</t>
  8. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <t>Update for atk EV. Cliff edge gate, immediately inside the cave, surfing. Most encounter krabby, very few others. Pop out for a heal, back in...</t>
  9. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <t>Please add Union Cave 1F to the list for Def places in Johto. Geodudes are common, with some scattered sandshrews and the occasional Onix, all def. And a poke center right outside the eastern door...</t>
  10. Re: Wedding in Pro ! <t>Very nice. Just make sure all those in attendance get there fast, or well overwhelm the poor server. If it goes down mid-wedding, the Karp God will be upset...</t>
  11. I know the donations help fund the server. <3 the game, awesome work. Was thinking more clothing options would help stimulate extra donations. First ideas I had were Saiyan Armor and the Orange Ki Goku wears. Im sure others could add options from other places that would be popular as well, this was just what I thought of first...
  12. This point has already been brought up, but I agreed with it. I understand why having Illuminate increasing all rates would be bad for the game. But with that being said, can it be considered removing the pokes with these completely useless abils from the game, so theres no need to argue over them being made useful? I've fished and surfed for days and haven't yet seen a staryu. when I finally do, I can deal with the first one having bad IVs, or bad nature. But a useless abil? It's like spending days farming to be smacked in the face. Not upset, just saying...
  13. A sort button for the box and bag would be nice, or some way to organinize things Sort by name, type etc. Something.
  14. Good luck, there are some forums of people selling coins you can look at...
  15. Welcome to PRO, see you on the Routes!!!
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