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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Hi, I want to buy a lot of trash poke. Not looking for a dex service as I will be evolving them list: 273,410,412 (m),431,439,495,501,509,515,519,557,559,566,570,577,582,588,592,599,613,619,656,669,677,682,686,688,690,692,694,696,698,710,712 Please let me know which ones you have, Im online almost all the time so trade can be completed quickly
  2. updated s.o.
  3. oops, Bgizzle#5972
  4. Yeah amazing that they brought him in the game. I remember battling that boss in hoenn for the first time 4 years ago; i knew I had to had that. Id = #5972
  5. What's your Player name (IGN)? stelliokontos Number of hours played? 1000+ What's your favourite Pokemon? ZEKROM FTW What country are you from? The Netherlands How old are you? 28 Which server do you play on? gold
  6. S.0. 1m (C.O. might've changed, please refer to latest bid) INSTA: n.a. MIN BID INCREASE : 200k CC accepted at 400k IV reroll ticket at 700k AUCTION END TIMER 2 days after first bid at 20:00 GMT+1 countdown timer will follow
  7. S.0. 800k (C.O. might've changed, please refer to latest bid) INSTA: n.a. MIN BID INCREASE : 200k CC accepted at 400k IV reroll ticket at 700k AUCTION END TIMER 2 days after first bid at 20:00 GMT+1 countdown timer will follow
  8. Good evening, I recently purchased the leveling and ev training service of a fellow player. Unfortunately they are 4 days late, and appear to have been offline for these 4 days. I am unable to send them a message through the forum, I get the error message that they are not able to receive messages. I don't have the id of the poke (dratini, or dragonite if they have trained it) but it has my OT and 31atk / 25spd with marvel scale. It would be amazing if staff could help complete the trade, or return it to me in case it is not trained yet. In return for ev training and leveling I owe them 100k. I am not sure if I should post their username publicly in this post, so feel free to send me a pm Best regards, Stelio
  9. +1, we need some more worthy dailies!
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