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Everything posted by Hussam

  1. sold insta to polytron MIN BID 100K INSTA 2.5m END IN 48 HOUR
  2. start bid 250k , 24hour from starting insta 500k u can pm me in game or my discord Hussam#8510 hidden ability :electric or here w
  3. i have fearow....goldeen...slowbro each 50k
  4. i have 2 alolan vulpix one of them timid h.a
  5. i have poliwarth
  6. start bid :500k , min bid 100k insta:1.5mga u can contact me in game or discord hussam#8510 24 hour from starting or here
  7. the auction started 700k by chucknovice insta 1.5m pm me in game Hussam discord Hussam#8510 OR HERE
  8. What's your Name/IGN?Hussm ● How old are you?20 ● Are you active in Discord?yes ● Where are you from?Jordan ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? 950hours / i started playing pro in 2016 ● What's your goal in PRO? interesting ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? i want to make friend on pro and i am not good at pvp. i wish someone help me in pvp ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?charizard ● What's your favorite animal and why? cat s
  9. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)?Hussam 2. Number of hours played? 950 hours 3. What's your favorite Pokemon?charizard 4. What country are you from?Jordan 5. How old are you? 20
  10. do u still have it ? i want buy 30rc
  11. start bid 250k ....insta 1m Pm me here in game: Hussam or by discord: Hussam #8510
  12. check price ^_^
  13. wts grachomop ......max spd jolly/sand veil wts 500k if u want buy tell me here on topic .....or pm me in game (Hussam) or in discord (Hussam#8510) https://imgur.com/a/fYv2hYz
  14. https://imgur.com/a/fYv2hYz if u want buy pm me in discord Hussam#8510 or in game Hussam
  15. 1-Hussam 2-18 3-hunting and try beat bosses 4- for fun
  16. Re: ~Reborn Guild Daycare Service~ -Unique Points System, Unique Memership System- <t>Hi i need ev train for my poke plz pm me in game</t>
  17. I have sam proplem loading map proplem
  18. Re: 4th Shop - [Epic Hippopotas] Poke PVP.Epic.Hidden Come back <t>Wtb avalugg 270k</t>
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