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  1. 250k ttar, how long does auction last btw
  2. start offer jolly ttar
  3. buy 60k gible
  4. I was doing my boss rounds and tried to fight lance. First time after i hit "sure" after he asked if i was sure i wanted to battle, it said there was an unexpected error and told me to report it, second time after "sure" there was no text at all, then third time i tried it just went straight into cooldown. Not sure what the cause was but it did told be to report the error :v.
  5. since on the birth island page it mentions that I can only catch one of each would it be correct to assume that it works off based on caught data instead of what spawned so i can potentially have another raikou spawn? Also it might be saltiness on my part but i dont see how nikola respawning birth island legends would be any more abusable compared to regular quest legends, its not like im shiny hunting or i can see unfavourable iv/natures :x
  6. After fainting the spawned raikou i could no longer access the island, i tried nikola but it doesnt let me fight him either, do i really have to wait for next rng ticket to spawn another raikou?
  7. Was trying to teach outrage to my tyrunt, but the first time i went to toothless the dialogue was just about not being able to fight her yet and i didnt have a tutor option, so i had to get a team, beat her, then come back again with the tyrunt. When the boss is on cooldown I'm able to directly access the tutor option, so I'd imagine this only occurs when the cd is finished. Granted its not a huge problem, but still decided to report it as i dont think this should be the normal interaction and im not sure if this is the same for other tutor bosses with lvl 100 requirements.
  8. interested in crawdaunt if still available
  9. IGN: Canyouu Playtime:800+hours PVP rating:~300 Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: No Reason: I feel directly picking a nature would be too much, thats like iv rerolls giving you 2 guaranteed 31s in stats that you choose. Instead i would prefer a rework where neutral/same natures were removed and price doesnt change OR new/more expensive ticket allows you to choose the +nature u want Vote for Birth Island: Yes Reason: Would be pretty salty if i spent a chunk of coins and got another regice :v, with that being said i do think super rare nonlegs could be ok depending on the mon pool/% chances.
  10. 100k for mag
  11. bump
  12. -Accepting cc as currency @200k -Auctions will be 1 day duration from when i see the offer -insta prices will be added later start:100k start:150k start:250k start:250k start:150k
  13. sold for that+rc, bid was 575k
  14. 17mins left :v
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