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Everything posted by Hart1dechu

  1. Excavation(route155) U need to have 3200discoveries or more to find one
  2. Why u don't catch him ? it may be an ha volbeat xD
  3. I've just battled MJames And i saw his talonflame gale wings using Fly(flying type move) so it gets the priority For the 2nd turn of Fly(when i suppose to hurt) Fly suppose the be priority too, but nop, it's hurt on second because his talonflame doesn't outspeed my garchomp I don't have any video, i'm just surprised by this. i try it in showdown and using my logic, fly 2nd turn suppose to be priority too xd I tried to remake the glitch, but it's not working, that's strange :/
  4. Putaclic ! Reported Rip xDDDD
  5. Wailmer mount is a quest, but no one find it
  6. Nah it's only lv up + night + razor claw Rip x)
  7. Re: Ingame BOSS [02/08/2016] <r><QUOTE author="lapsapsokia"><s> </e></QUOTE> Nop, u just lose, and u continue ur way<br/> 0money loss</r>
  8. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ UPDATED [8/7/16] <t>Mt silver exterior Morning Day EV atk <br/> Arbok doduo dodrio ursaring<br/> lv 35-40</t>
  9. ah, it's the only way to see the ban reason, try to do a ban appeal
  10. https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/
  11. Re: Ingame BOSS [02/08/2016] <r><QUOTE author="sovereignx"><s> </e></QUOTE> It's not a new boss<br/> It's just the same boss than Sereii and Xhaj<br/> they just change it again</r>
  12. Why are u so tilted ? Just wait xd After fix the pvp coin, they'll probably add the pvp coin loss from disconnecting
  13. Where do u read that a shiny have +10 in all stat ? shiny is just a normal pokemon with a different color
  14. Johto HP=> Ruins of alph all day surfing Wooper(1) and Quagsire(2) lv 19-25 Atk => Tohjo falls all day surfing Golden(1) Seaking(2) lv 19-25 => Mt Silver exterior or entrance Morning and Day Arbok (2) Doduo (1) Dodrio (2) Ursaring (2) lv 37-41 Care there is tangela (def) and rapidash(+ ponyta) (speed) Speed => Tohjo falls all day Ground rattata/zubat(1) Raticate/Golbat(2) lv 19-25 Spatk => Ilex forest surfing Morning and Day Psyduck(1) Golduck(2) lv~6 Def => Ilex forest ground Morning and Day Metapod (2) Kakuna (2) lv ~6 Membership => Johto exclusive map desert (before desert laggon) Spdef => Route 41(all day) Tentacool (maybe tentacruel) Mantine lv ~35+ PS: Pallet town is a good spot to exp too, surfing or fishing, tentacool lv 30-35 everywhere
  15. Ur welcome ;) Have fun to farm soothe bell in union cave x)
  16. u don't get only one, u can get 2, and more National Park hidden item Staff building Celadon Zubat union cave B1F
  17. I know how it's work, i just evolve them for jirachi In this game, the normal system can work, so they need to change the evolution, like sylveon, here u just need to lv up in love island, in the official game, u need to get love + fairy type move + lv up
  18. Sorry... cd means cooldown? It would be 12 hours instead 6 hours then ? if u are membership, yep ^^
  19. wut ? No xD Nincada=>Ninjask (full team+lv up) Nincada=>Shedinja (Empty place +pokeball+lv up) In this game, u can evolve nincada at any level
  20. Deny => cd x2, 0exp loss Give up=>cd x2, exp loss (idk how much)
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