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About Briannakitty

  • Birthday 11/25/1998

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  1. Hey there! Hope it's okay if I enter! I'm very new to the game and the community. <3 1)Which is your favorite Pokemon and why? I absolutely adore Mawile. I've seen a lot of folks dismiss or discredit it for other fairy type pokemon and I just love them. They're small, cute, and can be deadly in a battle. I generally love all fairy pokemon and cat pokemon, but as of recent I've found Mawile takes a special place in my heart. Yes, a fire attack tends to knock them out pretty quick, but that doesn't mean they aren't highly dangerous. Plus, have you played with them in Amie?! So cute. 2)Who is your best friend and why? I have a lot of friends. I think my 'best' friend would have to be my friend Jenna, who I met in middle school and has stuck around through the thick, thin, and my many shenanigans. She puts up with my silly puns, drama, and my being a big doofus. 3)Why u want to win? I really love shiny milotic, so the mount would be swell, but I'd also like to win just to share the prizes with a few of my other friends who have also started just recently. Plus, a level 100 sceptile would be fun to have if I got 2nd place! I could use it for a competitive team. :D 4)What is your special wish? If I had one wish, it'd probably be to be able to live without needing money. I'd really be able to help people, and be able to experience more in my lifetime.
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