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  1. Wow, this is ridiculously easy and inexpensive. I've been using it on the water in Mt. Silver. It's a good place because the Pokecenter if very close (and I still don't have access to Celurean Cave). Just spam toxic for three turns, use leech seed next and then memento = ezy xp. The only downside is that in like 2 out of 10 times leech seed will miss somehow, but whatever, I don't care. Thank you very much!
  2. Hi. I simply can't manage to beat Liza at Mossdeep Gym. I can beat Gardevoir using Voltorb Explosion + revive, but when Alakazam comes, it one shots everything I have (always first to attack). I have only three high leveled pokemon (Wingull lvl 87, Voltorb lvl 77 and Torchic lvl 81) and there's no such place in Hoenn where I can level up anymore. Every single place looks pretty bad to level up and the highest level avaiable I think is 35 (in the sea). I really don't know what to do because I've spent so much money already (got only 18k).
  3. Username: Krensnik Hi, people. If I'm not posting in the right section, I'm sorry. I know that after the first defeat you won't gain exp from a certain trainer, but I've had two first battle wins that gave me no exp and money. The first in Johto, vs Christina in the cave and then vs Yellow after I beat the first gym. It his how the game is supposed to work? There's no exp/money from those two fights? Thank you.
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