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About Saga

  • Birthday 11/30/1988

Saga's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Everything is set back to how i can use it :) Thanks a lot to whoever did that or if it spread by itself :v Topic can be closed. Thanks again ;)
  2. Thank you Astreus for your efforts and for admins efforts :) Regarding my account, i guess it will make his own way. Now i've been rename but yet i cant administrate my guild is this normal ? I can wait on that, i'm good with patience but i want to know if it's a matter of time or if it's a bug that need to be fixed ?
  3. I know the subject will be closed if i dont bump it a little. It's not really in my habits but i posted in name changing when it was open because i really wanted that.. I hope some admin could handle the few other accounts remaining to change that Shamac didn't finished, as with mine too..
  4. Well Fluffles thank you for answering, and Piinetree too but i already posted in that topic when it was open... I'm rather good with patience stuff but it's been one month and 16 days since the topic was closed. I posted in here but the name changing didn't came at all xD
  5. Hello there ! I know how much you're busy doing good things for PRO and stuff and i'm very sensitive to it so i first want to take some words to tell you thank you gratefully for all of your volunteering. A question remain for now on, and i'll be quick to ask : Is the changing name topic still a thing ? ( https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/88818-url ) I mean, i saw Shamac wasn't staff anymore (and i thank him too for all the work he done in many ways) but some people had the right to change and some other that asked hadn't then because he somehow haven't finished the topic.. Are we gonna be renamed soon or must we pay attention a lot about the money to keep on the account ? Or simply will we forget the renaming thing ? :/ Once again, thanks a lot for everything, you're doing great taking time to entertain us. I bless the one who will take some time to answer me and maybe to make the few nicknames' changes that remain to do ^^
  6. Hey there friends of staff ! I come to you, as it's not in my habits, because i've tried everything and nothing wants to work again.. That happened after the 7pm gmt+1 monday, i was logged in on Red Serv and i went to the bathroom for a quick moment. When i came back, everyone in the french guild/discord i got told me it has bugged. Since there, everything is normal and i don't blame you i know what it's like for those stabilities crashes.. But from this time, every time i try to launch PRO, that just keep not working. Client crashes without even displaying on my screen and i got a Windows error pop-up. I just came now on forum because i've tried everything and it turns out some files had been broken by this bug on my pc, and that's why i had to re-load like 92 update from windows security and stuff... Now i need you to understand why it's still not working... I have all my drivers and hardware/software up to date, and it keeps doing this to me. See the pastebin followed to access the error log :) I hope someone can help me and i wont get to trash out all i've done in PRO, all those hours, almost full pokedex, friends and stuff (and this 15 days ms and 14 days transport ticket i just engaged XD ) Please be quick, even if i know i'm not the only one in need for help /o/ PASTEBIN for ERROR.LOG : https://pastebin.com/BNMRJBMk
  7. Re: [FR] ✧・゚〳Ɗisaster〵 ・゚✧⎪∙ Recrutements en cours ∙⎪ <t>Comme l'a précisé Vari auparavant, la chef est absente quelques jours mais ne devrait plus tarder à rentrer :) <br/> <br/> Elle s'occupera bien évidemment de vous recruter à ce moment-là, n'ayez crainte :) <br/> Disaster est un bon choix ;) Plein de bonnes personnes et puis y a aussi TheAkalli :p</t>
  8. Re: [FR] ✧・゚〳Ɗisaster〵 ・゚✧⎪∙ Recrutements en cours ∙⎪ <t>Bienvenue à tous nos nouveaux membres ! :D <br/> <br/> C'est bien cool de vous avoir aussi actifs et motivés. Bisous <3<br/> <br/> Et vous autres, vous hésitez encore ? Venez nombreux aussi :D</t>
  9. Re: [FR] ✧・゚〳Ɗisaster〵 ・゚✧⎪∙ Recrutements en cours ∙⎪ <t>Oui ! Bienvenue Theakalli :D Content de te voir parmi nous :) hehe</t>
  10. Hi there ! Very great idea for a contest :3 I'd like to propose some smileys too :D Still warm, just made them, came right out from the oven :D Here is a beautiful set of 16 15 smileys ! :D Enjoy :Grin: Big size in there :
  11. Thank you but i edited it myself for a cleaner/lighter version than yours when i saw the spoiler bug. And double link are here on purpose so people could know they can click to see it in another window if they need :) Thanks for wanting to be helpful anyway but i like it as i wrote it..
  12. How to basics :: Eeveelutions As some of you may or may not know, all the Eeveelutions are available in PRO. But, sometimes, it's hard to figure out what we can do with the Eevee we just caught/received/bought. This little guide will help you by introducing you all the eeveelutions and their mains statistics ! Enjoy :Smile: [glow=skyblue]1/ The Stones :[/glow] [glow=blue]VAPOREON[/glow] Main stats : SPDEF / HP Evolution Method : Use Water Stone on a regular Eevee. Unspoil to see the detailed method in GIF. [glow=yellow]JOLTEON[/glow] Main stats : SPD / SPATK Evolution Method : Use Thunder Stone on a regular Eevee. Unspoil to see the detailed method in GIF. [glow=orange]FLAREON[/glow] Main stats : ATK / SPDEF Evolution Method : Use Fire Stone on a regular Eevee. Unspoil to see the detailed method in GIF. [glow=skyblue]2/ The Happiness :[/glow] [glow=purple]ESPEON[/glow] Main stats : SPATK / SPD Evolution Method : Having a full-happiness Eevee and win a fight by day. Unspoil to see the detailed method in GIF. [glow=darkgray]UMBREON[/glow] Main stats : SPDEF / DEF Evolution Method : Having a full-happiness Eevee and win a fight by night. Unspoil to see the detailed method in GIF. [glow=skyblue]3/ The Places :[/glow] [glow=green]LEAFEON[/glow] Main stats : DEF / ATK Evolution Method : Make a regular Eevee level up at Petalburg Woods (Hoenn). Unspoil to see the detailed method in GIF. [glow=lightblue]GLACEON[/glow] Main stats : SPATK / DEF Evolution Method : Make a regular Eevee level up at Ice Path (Johto). Unspoil to see the detailed method in GIF. [glow=pink]SYLVEON[/glow] Main stats : SPDEF / SPATK Evolution Method : Make a regular Eevee level up at Love Island (Kanto). Unspoil to see the detailed method in GIF. All Eeveelutions = Free Eviolite Once you've done by yourself all the eeveelutions in this guide, you can visit a great Eevee-maniac in Vermilion, in the Poke Fan-Club House : Once there, talk to Eeveelutionist Devan, and he will be impressed by all your own eeveelutions on the Pokedex, so he will give you a free Eviolite for reward !
  13. Re: [FR] ✧・゚〳Ɗisaster〵 ・゚✧⎪∙ Recrutements en cours ∙⎪ <t>Bienvenue à Ariusrekt qui est déjà devenu Ariosrekt ! <br/> <br/> Et aussi bienvenue à Aiotron :)<br/> <br/> Et aussi bump du coup :D</t>
  14. Of course i still want a Nintendo 2DS xl ! I need to teach to my little brother the good way to play Pokemon and Mario and Zelda <3 If i don't have any of those for him, how will he survive to the real life ?! He will probably sink in the drug system for not having :(
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