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Everything posted by Kochamcie112

  1. Sorry the einer ist bigtat i cant do forum and game on mobile so i wrote only ingame bid now. So bigtat won with 3.5m screenshot below. Please close.
  2. Up.. 1 hour left Edit: now 27 minutes left only ingame bid now please . Cant look at both all the time. Thanks
  3. 1.35m by croakmain
  4. Started with 1m from geomine
  5. Pokemon auctioned: Gible Starting price/point: 1m Minimum raise: 150k Ending point: ends 15.10.2020 22:05 Insta Price: 5m Available payments: Pokedollars CC= 400k If i need to i will Transfer the gible to silver server. Offers on this Post, ingame at kochamcie112 (DM) I hope i made all right.. if somthing is wrong please tell me.. have fun and good luck everyone
  6. Pokemon auctioned: Gible Starting price/point: 2m Minimum raise: 250k Ending point: 48 Hours auction After First bid. Insta Price: 7m Available payments: Pokedollars CC= 380k If i need to i will Transfer the gible to silver server. Offers on this Post, ingame at kochamcie112 (DM) I hope i made all right.. if somthing is wrong please tell me.. have fun and good luck everyone
  7. Hey.. i found a visuell bug at the new map. Under the bridge you can catch water pokemon on the land. Its nothing special but i would report this.
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