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Everything posted by Shadowpirate

  1. Hi you won please contact me in pms/in game to make the trade
  2. Hi, My ferro is for sale, Start bid = 100k Non instant 4 days auction after start bid
  3. Hello, My xmas ferro is for sale Start bid 100k only cash 4days auction after start bid gl
  4. @Jadeash I guesse you won indeed, considering the auction was exented a few times with 15 minutes it seems due to last minutes bids
  5. Hello if I'm not wrong auction ended already few hours ago and the latest bids are not valid. I will check who won.
  6. Hello, My ferro is for sale 500k start bid No insta 3 days auction from first bid
  7. Hi, My ferroseed is for sale, Start bid = 500k only cash accepted no instant end 4 days after first bid. Gl bidding.
  8. sorry didnt notice this 2.3m horsea
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