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  1. Well never thought this time would come when i had to actually leave pro aside, but it did. Have been a long and fun 2 years and some change, and i've seen a lot of ppl come and go. I want to thank every single player for making Pro fun and competitive! Most of all i want to thank 2 main guild that made my time here in pro the best thing of all, Cosmic and Chronos! Aside from that i want to thank Quanle, Burdy, C9Blastoise, Daenerys, Mewboo, Tro11z, sarks, Dsik, Auras, Leksi, Plasma, Mahat, Tatsumi, Shamac and a lot of others !!! Made my time here worth it and i thank you all for it! Hope we meet again :Crazy: Be good and Good luck <3 :D :thanks:
  2. Send them up i dont bite :p New price on ev <3
  3. I'm sorry i was doing sinnoh did not go active .Will do now
  4. Hello BCPK, Give me your timezone or send me a msg when you are online so i can help you with your evo please! My timezone is UTC/GMT +1hour Western time, will be online this whole afternoon
  5. You just complete the zones catch the best pokemon and do a lot of pvp. Well with membership you have access to certain type of pokemons in each map, and you also have access to sevii islands and others besides that, just catch them all, wait for sinnoh to come out xD and have fun playing xD battle all bosses too and go to dig sites and excavations once you finish hoenn e4 ... Well thats it xD GL
  6. Lvl 100 Monferno, Been a while since i miss-evolved it at lvl 98 didnt want to throw it out :C Can i have some help? Red Server. Am online now if anyone around
  7. Daycare Oficial Open Experienced with daycaring. Each pokemon expected to take 24H or less. Daycare will work with lvling and Ev training [glow=red]Price Will Be[/glow] [glow=blue]Lvling :[/glow]1.25K per lvl [glow=purple]Full EV :[/glow]60K per pokemon Payment done after work is completed. If payment not completed will keep the pokemon for 7/8 days untill it is done, otherwize pokemon will be auctioned . If trainer cannot be contacted or does not tell me he is not going to be able to get the pokemon or payment for X time 5 days after it will be auctioned. [glow=green]Required : - Trainer : - Pokemon : - Inicial LVL : Final LVL : - EVs : [/glow] [glow=yellow]Daycaring Now : [/glow] -Available -Available -Available -Available -Available </SIZE> [glow=red]Pokemon Done :[/glow] <i></i>
  8. For old times sake this was a kingsize guild! I will cheer you up Tats ! Takes a lot of guts trying to rebuild something this big! Cosmic is a family and i will never forget any of it! Cheer you UP!!
  9. I am active but have a job right now . post pokemons you need and i will do after :D
  10. I'm sorry could not access forums for 2 days. Back and waiting for costumers :thanks:
  11. img
  12. Re: CHRONOS Recruiting 17+! (Red Server) Updated!! <t>1. Tell us about yourself!<br/> 2. What is your nickname in PRO? What server you're playing at? (Red/ Blue)<br/> 3. How many hours of game play do you have (check your trainer card)? How many badges do you have?<br/> 4. How old are you? Where do you come from?<br/> 5. What is your ambition/ final objective in PRO? <br/> 6. Why should we accept you into the Guild?<br/> 7. Have you in the guild before or maybe you in the guild right now? and tell us the reason that you left.<br/> 8. What is your favorite Pokemon? Why?<br/> 9. Are you able to visit our Discord Group?<br/> 10. Are you able to follow PRO Rules and Guild Rules?<br/> <br/> 1- College student and game addict xD<br/> 2- BCPK Red server<br/> 3- 397 hours and all badges<br/> 4- 21 from Portugal<br/> 5- My ambition is to strive for the best poke trainer, and simply have fun with everybody else<br/> 6- There is no reason why you should accept me as there is no reason why you should not. Lets just have fun all together if possible<br/> 7- I was in 2 guild. First one was Cosmic although it got disbanded. Afterwards i left the game for a while and came back and joined a guild because of a couple of friends but the comunication was extremely low on Discord so i left and am aplying now to Chronos.<br/> 8- Favourite pokemon... yeah that might be hard to pick but probabily Lucario... i cant tell you why but the felling it gives is just awesome :p<br/> 9- I have Discord just need the link to enter your group<br/> 10- I have always been respectfull in PRO and that is not going to change! <br/> Will wait for the answere.</t>
  13. BCPK 1- 387 hours 2- Of course i will lend a help if i can! 3- I might not be 24/7 active because of college but whenever i can i will be here 4- My goal is to have fun with everybody and catch every poke i can :D 5- There is not a specific reason for joining the guild, I was searching and found you along with an old friend game in this guild so i thought "why not pledge myself to this guild" :p Ps: i have discord
  14. When i try to talk to him i always get stuck
  15. I recently went to the npc to retrieve 3x rc for 20 coins , and what happened is that when i clicked to choose,it took the coins but i recieved no prize. had a total of 22, now i'm at 2 and no rc . Dont know what to do Will wait for an answere if anything possible. Thanks and Good Game ;)
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