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Yeah it is pretty ridiculous that a player who has already obtained said pokemon/moveset could simply request for a change, and then not even have their own pokemon with the move have it forget the move or be deleted. The change must be reverted, or trainers with old pokemon must have their accounts corrected. If it was unfair/strong and that's why it was removed, this is the absolute worst response possible to it. edit: someone listened to us on the discord, my pitchfork is away now https://image.prntscr.com/image/klRqlKlAR920eBhrwpHPfg.png the moves will be deleted
Re: Complete Johto Walkthrough! <r>"After being victorious and checking the computer, you will send a trick message over the radio to fool the guards in front of Admin Christina’s room. Head up the stairs and to the right!"<br/> <br/> I checked this computer. <URL url="https://prntscr.com/gove3k">https://prntscr.com/gove3k</URL> it's not this computer so now i'm completely lose, why is your guide so vague :/ "THE computer" implies it's this one right next to james. I do not wanna run through those goons who throw me out YET AGAIN, jesus why couldn't you tell us what computer it was before going through that trouble? sry but i'm seriously super frustrated because this has taken 2 hours now.</r>
Re: Complete Johto Walkthrough! <r><QUOTE author="SugarRed9" post_id="445686" time="1506101929" user_id="894666"><s> </e></QUOTE> Please note at which gym badge (Bugsy?) you can use cut. You did it for the first gym, and said we can only use flash headbutt, then suddenly you're telling us we can use cut and I didn't know until I got to that part of the guide (ilex forest).<br/> <br/> thanks!</r>
Re: Complete Johto Walkthrough <t>bump took me forever to find this, I see absolutely 0 reason for kanto/johto/any region guide to not be stickied. So much work in vain if it won't even be found.<br/> <br/> Mods pls get your section unda control.</t>
yeah I find it odd they'd make a 2nd server, let alone a 3rd. guess they had no way to alleviate the player cap (i quit when it was like 1k) on a single server or something
lol wait really? theyre over a year old? wow I guess it's been longer than I remembered.
haven't played since there was one server lol.. might wanna start over if they're fresh enough.
that's stupid z.z... so when do I need to change my pokemon box so this doesn't happen?
Re: ✰ [Ongoing Auction EPIC Frosslass, Pinsir ! BIG UPDATE !!!] VNS2 HUNTER shop © ✰ <t>LOL why do you feel the need to write "• I reserve the right to create my own values on my Pokemon".. <br/> <br/> of course you do, it's a GAME.. have you never played a game before?</t>
No, the Xmas event stopped almost 2 weeks ago. On the Account Page you get free membership after you donated $5. If you donate via the ingame coin shop you get 100 coins, which you can spend on what you like (coin shop contains clothing, membership medailon, xp boosts, mounts and much more). Did you purchase via the account page or the coin shop? Also if you didn't receive membership/coins within 24 hours make a report with evidence here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=71 Also moving the Topic in the proper Forum section I bought coins through the in-game store, though the account page does not specify that you have to donate in a certain place to get the free membership. :( so if you "donate" and you get free membership, you won't get coins? still not sure how to interpret that lol, but sorry didn't see a support section :<
Let me see if I can help. 1. Where to see the membership only Pokémon: my advice would be to look in the guide section of the forums for Pokémon spawn posts. Here you'll see exactly which Pokémon spawn in which areas, and the membership pokemon are singled out. 2. You do NOT receive membership for every $5 donated. Instead, you use your coins to "purchase" the membership medallion which is then used to activate membership. 3. As far as the Christmas event goes... I'm really not sure. I haven't been able to login to the server due to over capacity in weeks. Maybe someone else can help here. Cheers! :) Hmm, thanks so much for your post, but coming back to #2, the picture in that thread shows exactly what the account page still shows now; which is "For every $5 Donated we will reward you with 30 Days of Membership Benifits!" Was that an old deal or something then? lol, but yeah thanks that pokemon location thread is useful :P
Sorry, read the faq and don't see it at all there. Also, is the xmas event still going? It says 1/1000 but I saw quite a few sentret/furrets. I don't see it here either: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=3357 But what else confuses me about that thread, is the picture says you get free membership for every $5 spent on the game. I didn't get that, and it also says somewhere else you don't get the MS just for having 100 coins.. kind of confused :P
not at all for me man, i'm new though, but have been playing for hours with 0 issue