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Ralian11's Achievements



  1. wtb Salamence 250k, Absol 200k
  2. wtb Furret 1
  3. Hi, wtb Reuniclus 4 (180k), Sceptile 4 (250k), Scizor 2 (300k)
  4. .
  5. .
  6. Hi, wtb "Absol 3 - 450k" and "Hydreigon 9 - 300k". wtb "Tyranitar 15 - 290k" and "Scizor 3 - 275k". wtb "Alakazam 1 - 300k" and "Lucario 4 - 440k".
  7. hi, wtb Diggersby and rotom.
  8. Hi, wtb Bold Vaporeon 300k 300k
  9. Hello, I was hunting in the bug catching area and in a battle I clicked 2 times in the icon of the "items", after this the system send the masterball in the wild pokemon. However, I did not select any pokeballs.
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