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Everything posted by N3om3w

  1. freely to give offer follow trade rule
  2. wtb calm cleffa for 40k
  3. In-game name: n3om3w Server: Gold Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 18895721 Hi I made an 'oopsie'. I leveled my Luxio to 100 by accident and didn't evolve him. If I could have some assistance I'd GREATLY appreciate it! Thank you! Thank you.
  4. why no reply?
  5. haloooo, i want to but tyranitar jolly 390k, when are u online?
  6. i want to buy tyranitar jolly, are u online?
  7. Wtb tyranitar
  8. im waiting for u
  9. wtb clefable 100k id 17125540 pm me n3om3w ingame after server maintainence
  10. emmm, guys, can u contact Rabselkw, your guild member. he have my shroomish because he lvling that poke
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