Why do you want to join NoMercy?
I've been playing PRO for 4 years , i am back after 2, and i never been in a guild and the game gets quite boring now and then, so i decided to join a guild and this one caught my interest because it seems pretty chill.
What can you contribute to NoMercy?
Well i can contribute non-funny jokes that only a certain amount of people would understand. I can also contribute on PvP (Won a couple of Showdown tournaments mainly Monotype and UU)
Have you ever been banned in PRO, and why?
Yes , because i created mass accounts like a poopyhead.
Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO?
My goal is to catch an Epic Shiny Tyrogue and evolve it into Hitmonchan. And to once be in the Top 10 PvP ladder.
How old are you and other than English, what languages do you speak?
I am 16 , and other than English i speak Spanish and a bit of Italian.
What is your discord name and ID tag number?
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