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Everything posted by Ta7esh

  1. I want a lvl 59 pokemon ev trained to rent for heatran quest reply here or pm me IGN Ta7esh, I want it ev train please
  2. Perfect, youve stated that the consecutive wins will be reset. thus if I battled the bosses that are not updated will the consecutive wins be reset ?
  3. Thank you so much for you clear guidance, however may i have a direct answer regarding bosses are they available at the moment ?
  4. Alright thank you alot, may i know which ones have not been updated ? Finally, is it applicable now to fight against them ?
  5. Hellow, I heard that there was an update in the bosses. is it true ? if yes is there a new guide for it ?
  6. I wish if we were able to sort them the way we want, and make search engines based on pokedex number too!
  7. yes I agree with you, even the explanation of items aren't there
  8. don't you think, this will make the game stall on switches ?
  9. Thank you for this concise clear reply, now I have a very clear view about how the system work regarding PVP rewards.
  10. I just wanted to ask even if i didn't reach the top 25 in PVP season, do i get rewarded based on how many wins I achieved, I read an earlier post that for each win i get 1 or 2 points randomly ? is that correct ? Finally, if i achieve points based on the wins do i achieve them at the end of the season or one by one ?
  11. are you interested in a shiny golduck?
  12. Alright thanks for the information
  13. so is it banned in pvp?
  14. I was battling someone and he had magnet pull its like the arena trap. I was wondering if its legal ?
  15. i bought a tm from someone after taking the pokemon and the tm i came to place it on my volcarona the game disconected and i just couldnt find the tm anymore can anyone help ?
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