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Everything posted by Nuera

  1. MagicGuard or anyone please... just this once. Only Regice is what keep me playing PRO. Just this once please.
  2. Bump. It is my birthday tomorrow. Happy birthday please, not spooky birthday. :)
  3. Thank you Zeskyr. Please. MagicGuard.
  4. Bump. MagicGuard I need your help :(
  5. Yes. I would not click save changes if the reroll preview showed Regice. It is what I saw. Please believe me.
  6. This is my Darkrai I wanted to reroll.
  7. Yes Magicguard. I brought Darkrai in my party in exchange for Regice. I went to the npc to reroll Darkrai. As you can see, Darkrai got bad stats. Only spatck and spdef got decent one. This is what I know happened. It is on my screen. Believe me please.
  8. I tried to click special attack but it won't proceed. I carefully clicked it to special attack but when I miss clicked it proceed. I saw Darkrai stats still got better, so I clicked "Yes". Please. I know it is hard to believe. I will not reroll my Regice :< EDIT: I wont save changes if I know it is Regice.
  9. FURTHER EXPLANATION: It was really Darkrai that I was going to reroll. I did not misclicked. I remember the time when it showed "you want to keep changes?" I CLICKED YES BECAUSE IT IS DARKRAI. Yes, because Darkrai stats got better. But after that, it was not Darkrai! It became Regice in my party. Suddenly Regice stats got changed and my Darkrai still remain trash. If I know that it is Regice I should have discarded the changes. I should have canceled it. It is really a bug. I need help please. This is really a spooky halloween
  10. Please I need help. I want my old Regice and the free reroll
  11. I just finished catching Darkrai. After that I went to pc to change pokemons. There are bugs that my pokemons in PC will suddenly get randomly arranged. But this report is not about that. I TOOK DARKRAI AND MOVED REGICE TO PC. Now I have Darkrai in party. I went to change Darkrai's IVs (The free one). But suddenly Regice appeared in my party after the change! My Epic Regice suddenly become a trash! Please help me get it back. I used all my golds and time for my favorite pokemon. Revert my Regice back to its original stats. And let me get the free reroll again. A bugged happened. PS: Why would I reroll an epic pokemon that doesnt need a change anymore? PLEASE HELP ME. THIS HALLOWEEN IS REALLY SCARY! New Trash Regice OLD EPIC ORIGINAL REGICE
  13. Closed. My Time Rule did not meet requirement of Forum Trade Rules. Sorry Larfleeze.
  14. WELCOME! I want to auction my old pokemons because I want to try new one. : 1 Day after the last bid, wins the pokemon. : No fake bidders. SO: 400k BO: 1M MIN. INC.: 50K SO: 200K BO: 500K MIN. INC.: 50K SOLD: 350K to devil7910 SO: 250K BO: 600K MIN. INC.: 50K
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