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About Typhusfsa

  • Birthday 09/28/1999

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  1. mhh alors là je sais pas du coup.. ça te met seulement le message can not connect to server ou y'en a d'autres? pck moi aussi au début je comprenait pas trop et j'ai mit du temps a pouvoir me connecter la 1ere foits
  2. Oh okay, i didnt see the 0.93 changelog and i don't even know what's in it ^^'
  3. Si tu parle du faits que ça se dowlad tout seul via le launcher c'est que c'est pas si facile que ça a mettre en place..
  4. Hello, welcome! :Grin: are we so many than that??? xD(frenchs i mean)
  5. They palnned to add a login queue, but i never heard that it was in 0.93, and yes, it is because there is too many people trying to connect at the same time, Red also said it ^^
  6. He just said that it was certeanely because to many people try to connect, and not a file problem, he laso clearly said that it's 0_93 but they didn't change the label. We just have to wait until tomorrow and it'll be fine
  7. retried for w64 version, tried w32 and same problem
  8. Thanks, y i already love it and replaying pokemon after all theses years(says the 16years old guy lo) is really amasing :Smile:
  9. Thx, i'll maybe pass on the chat one day, even if i'm not a big fan of it when i don't know the person IRl ^^'
  10. Oh okay, sorry for that.. however i managed to create one so it's alright xD
  11. Hey, so i finnally managed to connect to the game, creating my char and all, then i see i can change the gender, so i try it out, after reputing the other gender, the character isn't changing and i can't change hairs/eyes/cloths colors and all, and can't validate it either, had to restart client. I don't know if i did a wrong manipulation?
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