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Everything posted by Louiss

  1. No Sorry Only Cash
  2. Wts Epic Hp ground volcarona Send offers here or on discord : louiss#5069 Low balls will ignored Only offers
  3. 500k
  4. Still available?
  5. Still have Ferro?
  6. 2.3m
  7. 2m
  8. How much Time left?
  9. 1.6m
  10. 1.2m
  11. Can I start garchomp for 800k
  12. 7 hours left
  13. Wtb Epic Jolly garchomp 31 spd and 25 atk budget 1m+ Discord : louis#5069
  14. 37 hours left
  15. Auction will end at gmt+1 4:30pm
  16. C.o 700k by scooby07 . 48 hours left
  17. Wts this godly tyranitar c.o : 700k by scooby07 , insta : 1m c.o will end after 48 hours Discord : Louis#5069
  18. i start with 250k
  19. Scizor,dragonite,ferrothorn , arcanine and donphan sold in game
  20. Wtb Godly ivs epic Azumaril pay well 25+ atk , spd , hp and 20+others DISCORD : louis#5069
  21. Start
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