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Everything posted by Altruis

  1. 700k bid by Yakuzah in game
  2. nikhilnick003 bid 650k ingame
  3. Open Auction timid max speed h.a hp fire Alakazam SOLD contact : IGN : Altruis Discord : Altruis#7767
  4. way too low bro, im sorry
  5. sure, did you still need it?
  6. sorry bro, cant online atm, are you will be on in like 3-4 hours?
  7. whats your ingame name? are you on now?
  8. start
  9. bump... 1h30min left
  10. ok you started it
  11. sorry i just woke up now, are you on?
  12. sorry bro, sold already ok, whats your ign bro are you on now?
  13. open auction for almost godly PVP ready Rotom-Wash Ended auction 24hour after first bid SOLD will ended in 24hours from now (11.02 am gmt+7) contact : IGN Altruis Discord Altruis#7767
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