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About Smi1ey

  • Birthday 03/30/1998

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  1. In-Game Name: Smi1ey Discord Tag: Smiley!!!#6275 Server: Sliver How often do you use Discord? Eveyday for that least 4 hour What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? more discord events
  2. Its the the oran clan not the Chaos clan anymore imhanjoo
  3. thanks really appreciate it adam
  4. Current Name: ItsSmiley Change into: Smi1ey Payment Server of Choice: Silver
  5. What is your Discord tag? Its_Smiley#6275 How often do you use Discord? Everyday If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? Organized server role and chat for each server
  6. 1. Ign : ItsSmiley 2. hours played 14 hour just started a few day ago 3. Favorite Pokemon darkria 4. Age 19 5. DOB march 30 6. Discord : RageQuiT#6275
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