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Everything posted by Electroman

  1. I have a little time in this week to play the game, so I will be online during sunday, when the auctions are over.
  2. It end at the 6th pm in my country as pointed in the line "auction starts". You must have missed that.
  3. And that is why I have also instant prices (that are negotiable as mentoined at the rules section) - if you really want pokemon, you can buy it for instant prices - it's too high? - then bargain. Last moment bid isn't something unusual, you were just another victim of that kind of market trick.
  4. Sorry for unconvinice, but that were the rules - last (highest) bid wins when the time is up. If you bid - you agree with those rules. Even if this seems unfair for you.
  5. Last hour! EDIT: Offer on Arcanine made just in time!
  6. bump for the last 10-hours!
  7. Less than 36h left to end auctions! Hurry up!
  8. Places in PC box are limited. To catch more pokemons you need to delete those you have already caught.
  9. Of course, done. But you do not need to pay for pokemon instantly after the auction ends, you have like 1 week to do this :)
  10. Lemme joke: Finally xD
  11. Re: [WTS] Epic Shiny Gyarados <r>Sold to Steratul. Topic can be closed.<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/ZFDnXay.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>
  12. Could you check his ID? For example by typing /happy 2 (if 2 is his position in your team).
  13. Little auction rule's change: - Buyout prices are negotiable - pm me on forums or ingame (nick: Electroman).
  14. Re: [WTS] Epic Shiny Gyarados <r><QUOTE author="Steratul"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> Dusknoir is really tempting, but I already have one, so sorry. Nope.</r>
  15. Auction rules: - No time limit, waiting for "satisfying" offer. - No fake bids (Black list awaits), - Accepting everything (pokemons, items, memberships, mounts) SOLD
  16. @Update. Epic Granbull addded.
  17. It's in trade section so I bet it's an auction! 0,001k
  18. How do you manage to control every single client? :Ambivalent: I don't?? lol. I play on one client and leave the other three clients alone, so they can collect time. I move them like every 7 minute to prevent dc. Guess good thing about having four accounts is you can do celadon quest, dig, berry tower challenge and bosses four times instead of once. Thus, helps me a bit from grinding for money. Since I don't particularly like grinding or farming for god pokemons, but instead enjoying doing quests. Hence this is why I'd gotten my first dratini so late, at 250 hours into the game. :Grin: To be honest. If I were developer I would permanently ban you for having 2+ accounts online at the same time while others need to wait in queue to play on their 'one and only' account.
  19. They didn't do such things in PWO, can't say if they will here.
  20. Rollback while evolving was issue here as such as in PWO. This is the main reason you should have at least 1 spare lvl before evolving to avoid such situations. I am afraid that nothing can be done now.
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