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Everything posted by Glaciallucifer

  1. What is your Discord tag? Esoteric#3585 How often do you use Discord? Everyday, but time fluctuates. If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? Looks pretty decent but id like the useful links channels i keep hearing about.
  2. I was told i could post, even though i don't have a screenshot because i was too late, so here i go. As round as the top of a Chansey, As pink as the core of a family, As bright as the glow of a lightbulb, This love is shown when the eyes bulge. Like a stack of cards your heart drops, When you see her stand under the raindrops, You can't stand but to be mesmerized, In your eyes she has been idolized. Love can be described in many ways, For one it can be in many days, Complicated for sure but certain, No one can put it under a curtain. It beats fast for those you care for, Because its true even to a Venusaur, Valentines day has passed okay, But doesn't mean your heart wont stay. Love everyday to get that feeling, No regrets the few not fleeting, Don't be sad you have no one, You'll fall in love with someone. (discord is Esoteric#3585)
  3. 1k per level for any level to 95, after that its 2k per level. Depending on the Pokemon it could be slightly more or slightly less, as some take longer than others to level. Also other ways of payment are negotiable. Contact me on discord Esoteric#3585 or on PRO directly with a PM, in game name on PRO is GlacialLucifer You can also leave your in game name below and what you want me to do and i could contact you, whichever way works.
  4. How Many Hours? 78+ Do You Have Discord? Yes Are You Done Story? If Not How Far Are You In The Story? I have defeated the Hoenn E4 and havent battle the sinnoh trainers yet. Grinding to beat them. Do You Have A PVP team? Nope Total Hours Played? 78+ Favorite Pokemon And Why? Shedinja, because it has a unique design and its just super intriguing to me. Are You Able To Visit Our Discord Server? Yes Why Should We Accept You To Our Guild? Im active-ish and want a community that i can be apart of, and this one looks great. Discord ID and Username? Esoteric#3585
  5. What is your in game name? GlacialLucifer What server? Blue How old are you? 20 How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? 24(completed Hoenn) and about 78 hours of playtime. Do you use discord? Yes What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)? I dont really have an in game hobby, but Collecting would probably be the closest. I dont even play PvP yet. Why would you like to be in team magma? Gen 3 is my favorite Generation, Emerald being my favorite game, Team Aqua and Team Magma are my 2 favorite teams in pokemon games. However, i like Aqua more.
  6. Has Awesome stats from what i can tell.
  7. 100k , negotiable. PM or post here, im able to travel to kanto, johto, and hoenn, but im in lilycove currently, id prefer we meet there.
  8. Uhh is there a reason none of these links are working for me?
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